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  1. Ignite
  2. IGNITE-19503

Sql. UUID. Some expressions and statements with types from incompatible families are not rejected.



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 3.0.0-beta1
    • None
    • sql
    • Docs Required, Release Notes Required


      Type compatibility checks for UUID in some expression/statement are not performed at validation stage:

      INTEGER vs UUID:

          public void testInsert() {
              sql("CREATE TABLE t1 (key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , int_col INTEGER)");
              // /  class java.util.UUID cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer
              sql("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, '46138242-b771-4d8b-ad26-2b3fcee5f11d'::UUID)");
          public void testUpdate() {
              sql("CREATE TABLE t1 (key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , int_col INTEGER)");
              sql("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 1)");
              //  class java.util.UUID cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer
              sql("UPDATE t1 SET int_col ='46138242-b771-4d8b-ad26-2b3fcee5f11d'::UUID");


          public void testInsert2() {
              sql("CREATE TABLE t1 (key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , int_col INTEGER)");
              // Column 33: Cannot assign to target field 'INT_COL' of type INTEGER from source field 'EXPR$0' of type BINARY(3)
              sql("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, x'010203')");
          public void testUpdate2() {
              sql("CREATE TABLE t1 (key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , int_col INTEGER)");
              // column 33: Cannot assign to target field 'INT_COL' of type INTEGER from source field 'EXPR$0' of type BINARY(3)
              sql("UPDATE t1 SET int_col = x'010203'");


          public void testExprs() {
              //sql("SELECT 1 in ('46138242-b771-4d8b-ad26-2b3fcee5f11d'::UUID)");
              // Binary comparison operations are rejected by validator: OK
              // From line 1, column 1 to line 1, column 55: Invalid types for comparison: INTEGER NOT NULL = UUID NOT NULL
              sql("SELECT 1 = '46138242-b771-4d8b-ad26-2b3fcee5f11d'::UUID");
              // CASE: OK
              // Illegal mixing of types in CASE or COALESCE statement
              sql("SELECT CASE int_col WHEN 1 THEN '46138242-b771-4d8b-ad26-2b3fcee5f11d'::UUID ELSE '2' END FROM t1");
              // Arithmetic
              java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot infer return type for +; operand types: [INTEGER, UUID]
              at org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperator.inferReturnType(SqlOperator.java:541)
              at org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperator.validateOperands(SqlOperator.java:504)
              at org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperator.deriveType(SqlOperator.java:605)
              at org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlBinaryOperator.deriveType(SqlBinaryOperator.java:178)
              sql("SELECT 1 + '46138242-b771-4d8b-ad26-2b3fcee5f11d'::UUID");
              // Runtime: Cannot convert 46138242-b771-4d8b-ad26-2b3fcee5f11d to int
              sql("SELECT 1 IN ('46138242-b771-4d8b-ad26-2b3fcee5f11d'::UUID)");
              // Line 8, Column 281: Cannot cast "java.util.UUID" to "org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.ByteString"
              //Caused by: org.codehaus.commons.compiler.CompileException: Line 8, Column 281: Cannot cast "java.util.UUID" to "org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.ByteString"
              //at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.compileError(UnitCompiler.java:13014)
              sql("SELECT x'010203' IN ('46138242-b771-4d8b-ad26-2b3fcee5f11d'::UUID)");
             // Same goes for SELECT uuid_col IN (1,2,3)
             // [SEARCH($t0, Sarg[1, 2, 3, 4])] Sarg has INTEGER type.

      This happens because ANY type is used as a type family for UUID/custom data types and ANY can be cast to/from all other data types see SqlTypeUtil and other calcite classes.

      When fixing INSERT statement we should remember that calcite's DEFAULT expression has ANY type as well.


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              mzhuravkov Maksim Zhuravkov
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