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  1. Apache Ozone
  2. HDDS-9979

Sum of used, available, and reserved exceeds the physical volume size



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 1.4.0
    • None
    • DN
    • None


      While reviewing DN metrics, I noticed the sum of Used, Available, and Reserved is different from the actual volume size. I don't survey Jira deeply for existing similar issues, so I'm appreciate tell me similar issues if you know. We experienced this issue in two clusters. Cluster #1 gains much data and experienced disk full many times.

      Example 1: Cluster #1

      This cluster is consisted from 36 nodes. Each node has 36 24 of 14 TB HDD drives. Expected total capacity per a single node is calculated by: 36 bays * 14 TB * 10^12 / 1024^4 = 458 TiB, so the sum of volume_info_metrics_{used,available,reserved} should be equal to 458 TiB. However, we experience differ results.

      The cluster1.png shows a stacked bar graph. Reported metrics are vary and exceeds 458 TiB.

      Example 2: Cluster #2

      This is another example and each node has 12 of 14 TB HDD drives. Expected total capacity per a single node is calculated by: 12 bays * 14 TB * 10^12 / 1024^4 = 153 TiB.

      The cluster2.png shows a stacked bar graph. Reported metrics is almost same among DNs but some exceptions exceed the physical capacity.


        1. du.cluster2.csv
          3 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        2. du.cluster1.csv
          2 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        3. cluster1.csv
          2 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        4. cluster2.csv
          3 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        5. image-2024-01-08-19-31-38-781.png
          33 kB
          Sumit Agrawal
        6. cluster2.png
          19 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        7. cluster1.png
          66 kB
          Kohei Sugihara



            zitadombi Zita Dombi
            ksugihara Kohei Sugihara
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

