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  1. Apache Ozone
  2. HDDS-9979

Sum of used, available, and reserved exceeds the physical volume size



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 1.4.0
    • None
    • DN
    • None


      While reviewing DN metrics, I noticed the sum of Used, Available, and Reserved is different from the actual volume size. I don't survey Jira deeply for existing similar issues, so I'm appreciate tell me similar issues if you know. We experienced this issue in two clusters. Cluster #1 gains much data and experienced disk full many times.

      Example 1: Cluster #1

      This cluster is consisted from 36 nodes. Each node has 36 24 of 14 TB HDD drives. Expected total capacity per a single node is calculated by: 36 bays * 14 TB * 10^12 / 1024^4 = 458 TiB, so the sum of volume_info_metrics_{used,available,reserved} should be equal to 458 TiB. However, we experience differ results.

      The cluster1.png shows a stacked bar graph. Reported metrics are vary and exceeds 458 TiB.

      Example 2: Cluster #2

      This is another example and each node has 12 of 14 TB HDD drives. Expected total capacity per a single node is calculated by: 12 bays * 14 TB * 10^12 / 1024^4 = 153 TiB.

      The cluster2.png shows a stacked bar graph. Reported metrics is almost same among DNs but some exceptions exceed the physical capacity.


        1. cluster1.png
          66 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        2. cluster2.png
          19 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        3. image-2024-01-08-19-31-38-781.png
          33 kB
          Sumit Agrawal
        4. cluster2.csv
          3 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        5. cluster1.csv
          2 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        6. du.cluster1.csv
          2 kB
          Kohei Sugihara
        7. du.cluster2.csv
          3 kB
          Kohei Sugihara



            zitadombi Zita Dombi
            ksugihara Kohei Sugihara
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

