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  1. Apache Ozone
  2. HDDS-6263

Full arm64 support for Docker Images



    • Task
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • docker
    • None


      This is the uber jira for arm64 support in Ozone docker development environment.

      Status Quo:

      • Most images used in docker dev environment supports amd64 only.
      • It runs VERY slowly on Apple Silicon (M1) Macs' Docker Desktop due to qemu x86-64 -> arm64 translation. For instance, SCM startup in the upgrade acceptance test should take ~23 seconds on a regular Intel MacBook Pro to boot up and exit safe mode; while it times out (after 240s~300s) starting up the SCM alone on an M1 Pro MacBook Pro due to the translation/emulation.


      • Add arm64 support for all Docker images used for Ozone development. The resulting images (that are pushed to Docker Hub) should be dual-architecture (e.g. ozone-docker-runner).

      Foreseeable work to be done:

      • Bump Centos base image to a version that supports arm64 (Done)
      • dumbinit and tools included in the image build stage should be architecture aware. Currently the tools are x64 only.
      • After that the ozone runner base image should be working, provided that ALL the Ozone dependencies at runtime that uses native library pulled from maven supports Linux arm64/aarch64 (afaik RocksDBJNI does, gRPC also does, newer protobuf 3 should also have it, but older protobuf 2.5.0 might not. However, it seems gRPC and protobuf 2/3 doesn't matter at the moment as they are only used at compile time but not runtime.)
      • Have arm64 version of Hadoop 3 / KMS / KDC images as well, which are referenced in some testing environment like ozonesecure for KDC.
      • Add new CI check when someone pulls in new Docker image that warns if the new image doesn't have the linux/arm64 architecture.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            smeng Siyao Meng
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            3 Start watching this issue



              Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - Not Specified
                Not Specified
                Remaining Estimate - 0h
                Time Spent - 12h 10m
                12h 10m