Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Technically, StoreEngine can be used to achieve any permutations of things, but to make it more convenient to replace compaction policy/compator in standard schemes like tier-based, we can add separate hooks in DefaultStoreEngine (as long as custom ones conform to its default expectations e.g. flat list of sorted files, etc.)
Issue Links
- blocks
HBASE-7680 implement compaction policy for stripe compactions
- Closed
- is blocked by
HBASE-7843 enable encapsulating compaction policy/compactor/store file manager interaction shennanigans
- Closed
Andrew Kyle Purtell
made changes -
Status | Resolved [ 5 ] | Closed [ 6 ] |
Gavin McDonald
made changes -
Workflow | patch-available, re-open possible [ 13770941 ] | no-reopen-closed, patch-avail [ 13803827 ] |
Gavin McDonald
made changes -
Workflow | no-reopen-closed, patch-avail [ 12768426 ] | patch-available, re-open possible [ 13770941 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Patch Available [ 10002 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Attachment | HBASE-7935-addendum.patch [ 12572392 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Attachment | HBASE-7935-v3.patch [ 12572225 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Attachment | HBASE-7935-v3.patch [ 12572206 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Attachment | HBASE-7935-v2.patch [ 12571998 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Link |
This issue blocks |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Attachment | HBASE-7935-v1.patch [ 12571320 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Patch Available [ 10002 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Priority | Major [ 3 ] | Minor [ 4 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Issue Type | Bug [ 1 ] | Improvement [ 4 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Attachment | HBASE-7935-v0.patch [ 12570891 ] | |
Attachment | HBASE-7935-v0-with-7843.patch [ 12570892 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Link |
This issue is blocked by |
Sergey Shelukhin
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Component/s | Compaction [ 12319905 ] |
Sergey Shelukhin
created issue -