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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-2973

Unit test fails on Windows: org.apache.hadoop.dfs.TestLocalDFS.testWorkingDirectory


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.17.0
    • 0.17.0
    • None
    • None
    • windows


      Unit test fails on Windows: org.apache.hadoop.dfs.TestLocalDFS.testWorkingDirectory

      Error from failure:
      junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<hdfs://localhost:1925/user/SYSTEM> but was:<hdfs://localhost:1925/user/hadoopqa>
      at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.TestLocalDFS.testWorkingDirectory(TestLocalDFS.java:81)


      1. HADOOP-2931. IOException thrown by DFSOutputStream had wrong stack trace in some cases.
      2. HADOOP-2758. Reduce buffer copies in DataNode when data is read from HDFS, without negatively affecting read throughput.
      3. HADOOP-2833. Do not use "Dr. Who" as the default user in JobClient. A valid user name is required.
      4. HADOOP-2809. Fix HOD syslog config syslog-address so that it works.
      5. HADOOP-2847. Ensure idle cluster cleanup works even if the JobTracker becomes unresponsive to RPC calls.
      6. HADOOP-2819. The following methods in JobConf are removed: getInputKeyClass() setInputKeyClass getInputValueClass() setInputValueClass(Class theClass) setSpeculativeExecution getSpeculativeExecution().
      7. HADOOP-2820. The following classes in streaming are removed : StreamLineRecordReader StreamOutputFormat StreamSequenceRecordReader.
      8. HADOOP-2219. A new command "df -count" that counts the number of files and directories.
      9. HADOOP-2912. MiniDFSCluster restart should wait for namenode to exit safemode. This was causing TestFsck to fail.


        1. 2973_20080307.patch
          1.0 kB
          Tsz-wo Sze


          szetszwo Tsz-wo Sze added a comment -

          2973_20080307.patch: should fix it.

          szetszwo Tsz-wo Sze added a comment - 2973_20080307.patch: should fix it.
          hairong Hairong Kuang added a comment -

          +1 on the patch. But I wonder why the tests run as hadoopqa but "user.name" is "SYSTEM", which indeed violates the hdfs permission control model.

          hairong Hairong Kuang added a comment - +1 on the patch. But I wonder why the tests run as hadoopqa but "user.name" is "SYSTEM", which indeed violates the hdfs permission control model.
          hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment -

          -1 overall. Here are the results of testing the latest attachment
          against trunk revision 619744.

          @author +1. The patch does not contain any @author tags.

          tests included +1. The patch appears to include 3 new or modified tests.

          javadoc +1. The javadoc tool did not generate any warning messages.

          javac +1. The applied patch does not generate any new javac compiler warnings.

          release audit +1. The applied patch does not generate any new release audit warnings.

          findbugs +1. The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs warnings.

          core tests -1. The patch failed core unit tests.

          contrib tests +1. The patch passed contrib unit tests.

          Test results: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Hadoop-Patch/1918/testReport/
          Findbugs warnings: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Hadoop-Patch/1918/artifact/trunk/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html
          Checkstyle results: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Hadoop-Patch/1918/artifact/trunk/build/test/checkstyle-errors.html
          Console output: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Hadoop-Patch/1918/console

          This message is automatically generated.

          hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment - -1 overall. Here are the results of testing the latest attachment http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12377401/2973_20080307.patch against trunk revision 619744. @author +1. The patch does not contain any @author tags. tests included +1. The patch appears to include 3 new or modified tests. javadoc +1. The javadoc tool did not generate any warning messages. javac +1. The applied patch does not generate any new javac compiler warnings. release audit +1. The applied patch does not generate any new release audit warnings. findbugs +1. The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs warnings. core tests -1. The patch failed core unit tests. contrib tests +1. The patch passed contrib unit tests. Test results: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Hadoop-Patch/1918/testReport/ Findbugs warnings: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Hadoop-Patch/1918/artifact/trunk/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html Checkstyle results: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Hadoop-Patch/1918/artifact/trunk/build/test/checkstyle-errors.html Console output: http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Hadoop-Patch/1918/console This message is automatically generated.
          szetszwo Tsz-wo Sze added a comment -

          The failed core tests are TestCrcCorruption and TestDatanodeDeath but the patch only changed TestLocalDFS. Therefore, the failed tests are not related.

          szetszwo Tsz-wo Sze added a comment - The failed core tests are TestCrcCorruption and TestDatanodeDeath but the patch only changed TestLocalDFS. Therefore, the failed tests are not related.
          szetszwo Tsz-wo Sze added a comment -

          HADOOP-2955 is taking care TestCrcCorruption with OutofMemory.

          It seems that there is no JIRA issue for TestDatanodeDeath yet.

          szetszwo Tsz-wo Sze added a comment - HADOOP-2955 is taking care TestCrcCorruption with OutofMemory. It seems that there is no JIRA issue for TestDatanodeDeath yet.

          I just committed this. Thanks Nicholas.

          dhruba Dhruba Borthakur added a comment - I just committed this. Thanks Nicholas.
          hudson Hudson added a comment -
          hudson Hudson added a comment - Integrated in Hadoop-trunk #426 (See http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Hadoop-trunk/426/ )


            szetszwo Tsz-wo Sze
            mukundm Mukund Madhugiri
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