Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
FilterSetOpTransposeRule, ProjectSetOpTransposeRule are leveraged in DRILL-3855.
They are used in HepPlanner, but if they additionally will be enabled in main logical planning stage for Volcano planner, more cases will be covered with these rules.
For example:
WITH year_total_1 AS (SELECT c.r_regionkey customer_id, 1 year_total FROM cp.`tpch/region.parquet` c UNION ALL SELECT c.n_nationkey customer_id, 1 year_total FROM cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` c), year_total_2 AS (SELECT c.r_regionkey customer_id, 1 year_total FROM cp.`tpch/region.parquet` c UNION ALL SELECT c.n_nationkey customer_id, 1 year_total FROM cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` c) SELECT count(t_w_firstyear.customer_id) as ct FROM year_total_1 t_w_firstyear, year_total_2 t_w_secyear WHERE t_w_firstyear.year_total = t_w_secyear.year_total AND t_w_firstyear.year_total > 0 and t_w_secyear.year_total > 0
Current plan after performing rules:
LogicalAggregate(group=[{}], ct=[COUNT($0)]) LogicalProject(customer_id=[$0]) LogicalFilter(condition=[AND(=($1, $3), >($1, 0), >($3, 0))]) LogicalJoin(condition=[true], joinType=[inner]) LogicalUnion(all=[true]) LogicalProject(customer_id=[$1], year_total=[1]) EnumerableTableScan(table=[[cp, tpch/region.parquet]]) LogicalProject(customer_id=[$1], year_total=[1]) EnumerableTableScan(table=[[cp, tpch/nation.parquet]]) LogicalUnion(all=[true]) LogicalProject(customer_id=[$1], year_total=[1]) EnumerableTableScan(table=[[cp, tpch/region.parquet]]) LogicalProject(customer_id=[$1], year_total=[1]) EnumerableTableScan(table=[[cp, tpch/nation.parquet]])
Since LogicalFilter isn't under LogicalUnion the FilterSetOpTransposeRule is not performed.
FilterJoinRule from main Drill logical stage pushes LogicalFilter below, but the stage with FilterSetOpTransposeRule is already finished.
That's why FilterSetOpTransposeRule and ProjectSetOpTransposeRule should be used in Drill main logical stage with Volcano planner.
Currently using them in Volcano Planner can cause infinite loops - CALCITE-1271 (can be resolved after solving CALCITE-2223)
Issue Links
- depends upon
CALCITE-1271 Enable FilterSetOpTransposeRule, AggregateUnionTransposeRule in default rule set
- Open
CALCITE-2223 ProjectMergeRule is infinitely matched when is applied after ProjectReduceExpressionsRule
- Closed
- relates to
DRILL-3855 Enable FilterSetOpTransposeRule, DrillProjectSetOpTransposeRule
- Closed