Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
This issue will be used to track a back porting effort to port fixes in the 10.8 branch to the 10.5 branch. Issues to be fixed will be linked and reopened. As engineers back port fixes they can temporarily assign issues to themselves, put a comment that they are working on the backport and then assign them back to the original owner and reresolve. Issues have been reopened for this effort.
The linked issues are suggestions, based on a rough analysis. Please look closely at the issues you pick to back port. If they end up being technically difficult or have behavior changes it may be entirely appropriate to remove them from the list. If not please label with the derby_backport_reject_10_x as appropriate.
When this effort all linked issues should be resolved and the following report should not show issues as all will have been resolved in or labeled not suitable for backport.
Issue Links
- requires
DERBY-2254 Assert during log file switch: log file position exceeded max log file size
- Closed
DERBY-3009 Out of memory error when creating a very large table
- Closed
DERBY-3823 NullPointerException in stress.multi test
- Closed
DERBY-4275 Query executions fail when compressing a table using SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE
- Closed
DERBY-4443 Wrap rollback in exception handlers in try-catch
- Closed
DERBY-4544 Referencing streaming CLOBs in (some) generated column clauses fails
- Closed
DERBY-4779 NPE while inserting into a table which has a generated column and an insert trigger
- Closed
DERBY-4984 ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN may leave triggers invalid even if they are not using the column getting dropped.
- Closed
DERBY-5044 ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN will not detect triggers defined on other tables with their trigger action using the column being dropped
- Closed
DERBY-5304 test_derby_4779 (lang.GeneratedColumnsTest) fails with ibm 1.4.2; ERROR 42X50; No method was found that matched the method call java.lang.Integer.signum(int)
- Closed
DERBY-2515 Network client does not retain the INOUT parameter value change for subsequent execution
- Closed
DERBY-4201 SecureServerTest AssertionFailedError: Timed out waiting for network server to start
- Closed
DERBY-4291 Intermittent failure in 'store/updatelocks.sql' on Windows Vista
- Closed
DERBY-4669 ClassLoaderBootTest fails if derbyclient.jar comes before derby.jar on the classpath
- Closed
DERBY-5018 [patch] remove erroneous throws clauses on non derivable methods that don't throw
- Closed