This is the JIRA issue where I will be aggregating issues that might be interesting for a student to address in a "test-and-fix project" under my mentoring during a Google Summer of Code project, for this year's edition.
Ideally, I would like to have a closed set of issues that are to be addressed by a single student during the whole program before the program itself starts. If you have comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment on this issue.
Obviously, in open-source we cannot stop people from working on whichever issues they feel like. I would actually be quite happy if there were students starting work on some of these issues even before the program starts. That will certainly weigh in when the time to make a decision comes.
Issue Links
- depends upon
DERBY-211 Network Server returns no result sets for a procedure call that returns no result
- Open
DERBY-4334 Invoking certain methods on PreparedStatements after the underlying connection changed forces repreparing
- Open
DERBY-2417 Network client disallows Statement.setCursorName if an open result set is associated with the Statement object.
- Open
DERBY-4795 Starting network server with -ssl turns SSL off
- Closed
DERBY-4907 EmbeddedXADataSource with ;create=true attribute set in setDatabaseName fails with java.sql.SQLException: Database not available
- Closed
DERBY-1242 Write test(s) for ParameterMetaData and the getParameterMetaData-methods in JDBC4
- Open
DERBY-4701 Set socket timeout for the socket used to communicate with the server in NetworkServerControl(Impl)
- Open
DERBY-3600 Change replication methods in org.apache.derby.iapi.db.Database to throw StandardException instead of SQLException
- Resolved
DERBY-1028 Change constructors in NetConnection classes to use LogWriter instead of NetLogWriter
- Closed
DERBY-3676 Make the toString() method of Derby PreparedStatements print out SQL text with ? parameters replaced by the values that have been set so far
- Closed
DERBY-5127 Convert madhare.sql to JUnit
- Closed
DERBY-1342 Run derbyall suite with -Dframework=DerbyNetClient and analyze failures
- Open
DERBY-5147 Convert remaining store SQL tests into JUnit tests
- Closed
- incorporates
DERBY-5156 convert store/longColumn.sql into junit test case
- Closed