DTD has TypeDescriptorImpl in it which has 2 new fields, namely, collationType and collationDerivation. These 2 fields are available for all different types of DTDs but only apply to character types. The other datatypes should ignore these 2 fields.
This Jira is a placeholder for loading the correct values into collationType and collationDerivation.
Issue Links
- incorporates
DERBY-2776 Internally generated CAST nodes should not use the collation of the current compilation schema. Instead they should use collation of target type passed to it.
- Closed
DERBY-2777 Parameters should take their collation from the context in which they are getting used rather than the current compilation schema
- Closed
DERBY-2722 Set correct collation type and derivation for result character string types from CHAR, VARCHAR and XMLSERIALIZE functions
- Closed
DERBY-2723 Set correct collation type and derivation for result from user defined functions' that return character string type.
- Closed
DERBY-2724 Set correct collation type and derivation for result character string types from CURRENT ISOLATION, CURRENT_USER, SESSION_USER, SYSTEM_USER, CURRENT SCHEMA and CURRENT SQLID.
- Closed
DERBY-2731 String literal constants currently take the collation of the compilation schema but the wiki page expects USER schema collation.
- Closed
- is depended upon by
DERBY-2335 Compare character datatypes with different collation ordering.
- Closed
- is related to
DERBY-2668 At the time of compilation of a comparison operation, if the collation types of the operands do not match, then we should throw a meaningful error message.
- Closed