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  1. Derby
  2. DERBY-1478 Add built in language based ordering and like processing to Derby
  3. DERBY-2335

Compare character datatypes with different collation ordering.



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • SQL
    • None


      The parent task DERBY-1478 will enable users to have a different collation order for user-defined character datatypes compared to UNICODE based collation, UCS_BASIC, used by system tables. This sub-task is added to handle the case where a comparison is made between character datatypes with different collation order.

      For instance
      Let's say, a database is created to use a territory based collation for character types. And say there is a userSchema schema in that database which has a table tableInfo with column tablename defined as VARCHAR. This tableInfo.tablename will have territory based collation assoicated with it. And say this column is then compared with a VARCHAR column in SYS schema, then how will the comparison happen, since the 2 columns being compared have different collation associated with them?
      select * from sys.systables and userSchema.tableInfo where systables.tablename = tableInfo,tablename

      Thanks to Rick for taking the time out on this issue. He had following suggestion
      </Rick comment start>
      "As I read part 2 of the SQL Standard, it looks like you need a CAST in order to compare 2 strings which have different collations bound to them. Both string operands must have the same collation--that is my reading of Syntax rule 3b in section 9.13. Sections 6.12 and 6.1 explain how to cast the operands so that you can compare them. I think you need to write an expression like this:

      WHERE userStringCol = CAST ( systemStringCol AS VARCHAR COLLATE userStringColumnsCollation )

      Here's an example I googled up: http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/sqlrefDATATYPES.html. Hope this helps.
      </Rick comment end>

      When this task is taken up, it would be good to explore Rick's suggestion.


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              mamtas Mamta A. Satoor
              mamtas Mamta A. Satoor
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