This issue will be two fold.
1) Provide a running example demonstrating how to use the OCW APIs.
2) Provide an end-to-end Test (integration, regression, whatever test) but less format since it will not be running within a UnitTest framework
Before work can start, the Refactor Branch needs to be merged back into the trunk so this work will be done in the trunk.
Examples To Be Developed:
1. Local Model to Local Model Evaluation (simplest, minimal data processing)
2. Local Model to RCMED Evaluation (temporal and spatial resampling of the data)
3. Model Ensemble to RCMED Evaluation (ensemble + all other functions before) This will be addressed in CLIMATE-265
Any bugs or issues that are uncovered in this process will be logged as JIRA sub-Tasks to this issue. Once those are resolved and the 3 examples are developed then we can resolve this issue.