Status: Closed
Resolution: Invalid
If the npm is run without the wrong content in npmrc, then as you may see, 'cordova create' fails, even when the npm is allready able to work as expected. correct__g_install_fail_npmrc.png
If you are not comfort with the "local install" override (CB-13587), or the npmrc content deletition, then you might find the command 'npm install -g cordova --prefix D:\mynodejsdirectory' more compliant with correct usage. And as you may see (correct__g_install_fail_using_prefix.png), the error is manifested in all three (**) solutions presented here, in two of them even despite the required '-g' install.
incorrect handling of npmrc file containing the string 'prefix=${APPDATA}\npm' in contrast to the expected behvaior as described in
(**) The third one is to install the module into the global node_modules in the nodejs installation directory in the same manner as a local install (eg. cd into my_nodejs_install_dir and doing an 'npm install cordova') which however due to a higher reason has been agreed as an unsupported method, for details see CB-13587)
Issue Links
- is a child of
CB-13536 cordova being called from "quasar wrap" not working - cordova-realted error when not installed in default directory: Could not install from (path_of_nodejs_modules) as it does not contain a package.json file
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CB-13586 cordova create command failing when copying from template
- Closed
CB-13587 cordova-create fail to copy template when forcibly installed in global nodejs modules
- Closed
- is a parent of
CB-13590 cordova-create fails with template path containing @ character
- Open