In May through June of 2016 a static analysis was performed on version 3.0.5 of the Cassandra source code. The analysis included an automated analysis using HP Fortify v4.21 SCA and a manual analysis utilizing SciTools Understand v4. The results of that analysis includes the issue below.
Sockets are low level resources that must be explicitly released so subsequent callers will have access to previously used sockets. In the file on lines 15-16 a socket is acquired and eventually returned to the caller on line 18.
If an exception is thrown by the code on line 17 the socket acquired on lines 15-16 will not be released for subsequent reuse., lines 13-19:
13 public ServerSocket createServerSocket(final int pPort) throws IOException 14 { 15 ServerSocket socket = ServerSocketFactory.getDefault() 16 .createServerSocket(pPort, 0, InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress()); 17 socket.setReuseAddress(true); 18 return socket; 19 }