(Rewritten the description for clarity)
We need an easier way to run bigtop smoke tests, and gradle provides this:
1) Easy to script/modify
2) Human readable
3) equally oriented towards both groovy and plain old java
The advantage of this method to running smokes :
1) No need to compile a jar : this is a costly step and not much value added, also creates indirection which can make debugging a broken test very hard.
2) Simple: A smoke test doesnt need to make low level API calls or be compiled against the right APIs - rather, it should test the end user interface ("hive -q ....", "pig -x ....", "hadoop jar ....", and so on).
3) Customizable: The smoke tests shouldnt require users to have to write XML and debug environmental variables / grep around for System properties etc. Rather, a high level controller should do all that checking for you.
The initial idea was to write a python/bash implementation wrapper of scripts, but that was replaced by the idea of using gradle. The advantage of gradle is that we don't need to manually set the classpath and run groovy commands: Gradle wraps groovy scripts in their native java context quite nicely - but it doesnt add any other unnecessary overhead (xml, jar files, no need for complex xml tag wrappers for simple tasks - just plain groovy code).
So, here the goal is just to create a nice, clean, extensible non-jar, non-API dependent gradle runner for the smoke tests which exersizes the hadoop cluster the same way a typical end-user would.
Issue Links
- blocks
BIGTOP-1333 Update build.gradle in smoketests to read from paramterized file input
- Open
BIGTOP-1315 Pig smoke tests: Refactor ?
- Resolved
BIGTOP-1384 Implement Gradle Wrapper for smoke tests and cleanup.
- Resolved
- breaks
BIGTOP-1663 TestHadoopSmoke is failing because of improper set-up
- Resolved
- contains
BIGTOP-1315 Pig smoke tests: Refactor ?
- Resolved
BIGTOP-1019 Remove mysql requirement constraint from sqoop tests
- Resolved
- incorporates
BIGTOP-1372 Bigtop needs feature that takes in multiple arguments to build specific components at command line
- Resolved
- is blocked by
BIGTOP-1402 Update bigtop gradle to 2.x
- Resolved
BIGTOP-1405 Gradle 2.0 installation from toolchain is broken
- Resolved
- is related to
BIGTOP-1305 Use tests from the HBase test jar to potentially replace hbase-smokes
- Open
BIGTOP-1195 Higher level interface to smokes.
- Resolved
- is required by
BIGTOP-1309 Gradle environment overhaul
- Resolved
- relates to
BIGTOP-847 form VM baking come up with a way to init services that require being up and running
- Open
BIGTOP-685 provide a way to specify the parameters expected by a test
- Closed
Update build.gradle in smoketests to read from paramterized file input | Open | Unassigned |