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Attempted read from closed stream - when reading entity.getContent() - HTTPCLIENT-742
common interface for HttpRoute and RouteTracker - HTTPCLIENT-741
AbstractClientConnAdapter prone to concurrency issues - HTTPCLIENT-740
AbstractConnPool constructor calls thread.Start() - HTTPCLIENT-739
CookieIdentityComparator and CookiePathComparator could/should implement Serializable - HTTPCLIENT-738
HostnameVerifier shouldn't shadow simple name of implemented interface - HTTPCLIENT-737
EchoHandler:104 possible NPE - HTTPCLIENT-736
dependencies for route planner implementations - HTTPCLIENT-735
allow unsetting of DEFAULT_PROXY and FORCED_ROUTE parameters in the client stack - HTTPCLIENT-733
Implementation of Delete method - HTTPCLIENT-730
Use of Multi-Args URI Causes URI-Rewriting to improperly unescape characters - HTTPCLIENT-729
move HttpRoute and related classes to separate package - HTTPCLIENT-726
review TSCCM for spurious wakeups - HTTPCLIENT-725
TSCCM code cleanup - HTTPCLIENT-723
HttpRoutePlanner based on ProxySelector - HTTPCLIENT-718
SSL verification occurs before setSoTimeout, which can lead to hangs - HTTPCLIENT-716
application-defined routes - HTTPCLIENT-715
remove RoutedRequest from API - HTTPCLIENT-714
move route computation from client to director - HTTPCLIENT-713
remove RoutedRequest from ClientRequestDirector interface - HTTPCLIENT-712
improve HttpRoute API - HTTPCLIENT-711
bad route computed for redirected requests - HTTPCLIENT-705
Handle URIs with path component null - HTTPCLIENT-704
Exception not caugh in DefaultResponseParser - HTTPCLIENT-699
Performance tuning - HTTPCLIENT-688
HttpOptions.getAllowedMethods expects single Allow header - HTTPCLIENT-677
Connection pool uses Thread.interrupt() - HTTPCLIENT-667
Provide BestMatch cookie policy - HTTPCLIENT-643
Provide fail-over for multi-home remote servers (if one server in a farm goes down) - HTTPCLIENT-352
Allow polymorphic use of addParameter
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