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- CAY-2049
Changing the Relationship name in ObjRelationship Inspector has no effect - CAY-2047
Relationship mapping with target inheritance - CAY-2045
Add autosuggestion fields to choose attributes and relationships - CAY-2044
Collection setter for to-many relationships - CAY-2043
ServerRuntimeBuilder: use DataDomain name for the default DataNode - CAY-2042
Remove an arbitrary limitation on 1000 runtime DbRelationships - CAY-2035
Autobind items added to collections (Cayenne DI) - CAY-2030
Capturing a stream of commit changes - CAY-2029
Allow out-of-order insertion into DI lists - CAY-2028
Wrap DataChannelFilter calls in the main transaction - CAY-2027
Support for Expression outer join syntax in EJBQL - CAY-2026
Java 7 - CAY-2025
Support for DBCP2 - CAY-2023
Decouple the use of ResourceLocator - CAY-2022
Add Implementation-Version to jar file MANIFEST.MF files - CAY-2020
typo: correction to upper alpha range in Rot13PasswordEncoder - CAY-2017
Malformed EJBQL from "isNull" - CAY-2015
Joint prefetches combined with DisjointById prefetches return null incorrectly - CAY-2013
In-memory evaluation of DB expressions - non-id attributes - CAY-2012
ObjectSelect, SelectById: eliminating methods that reset query state - CAY-2011
Support for Java 8 date and time types - CAY-2010
DataSourceBuilder to help users create pooling and non-pooling DataSources - CAY-2009
Non-blocking connection pool - CAY-2008
Connection pool refactoring and validation query support in Cayenne DataSource - CAY-2007
Refactoring SelectTranslator for better extensibility - CAY-2006
SQLTemplateAction doesn't consider javaType from #result directive - CAY-2005
Improving generated DISTINCT performance on PostgreSQL - CAY-2004
EJBQL: Support for ordering on aggregate expressions - CAY-2003
cdbimport doesn't work properly with several includeTable tags - CAY-2001
Saving a display state of Project - CAY-1999
Unneeded Property import for superclasses with no properties - CAY-1998
Speeding up PropertyUtils - CAY-1995
Add support for iterators to Select - CAY-1994
Modeler Migration Tool Shows No Changes - CAY-1993
Reverse Engineering does not work with PostgreSQL database - CAY-1992
Allow to exclude DataMap java class from Modeler class generation - CAY-1991
More control over generated String property names - CAY-1990
Incorrect display of the raw SQL query in Modeler - CAY-1988
ServerRuntimeBuilder: synthetic DataNode does not have domain's DataMaps linked - CAY-1987
Widen types before performing in-memory evaluation of qualifiers using j.l.Number subclasses - CAY-1974
Copy/Paste DbEntiry throws exception - CAY-1940
NullPointerException when try to Prefetch - CAY-1902
Implement resolving Db paths for DataObjects - CAY-1626
Add JodaTime DateTime support - CAY-1267
Some changes to LogDialog
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