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- CAY-1982
Mismatched Sequence Cache for Database Sequence Generated Keys - CAY-1981
Add support of JDBC 4.0 N-types (nchar, nvarchar, longnvarchar, nclob) - CAY-1980
'mvn cayenne-modeler:run' seems to be broken in 4.0 - CAY-1979
Prefetches on Many-to-Many Relationships with Longvarchar - CAY-1978
ESCAPE clause should be included in LIKE parenthesis - CAY-1976
Slow performance of DbMerger - CAY-1973
error while generating classes - CAY-1971
Variants of Property.like(..) : contains(..), startsWith(..), endsWith(..) - CAY-1970
Minor Improvements to EJBQL Coverage in "Cayenne Guide" - CAY-1969
Malformed EJBQL Yields NPE - CAY-1968
SQLSelect cleanup and omissions - CAY-1967
Deprecate SQLTemplate parameter batches - CAY-1966
SQLTemplate/SQLSelect positional parameter binding - CAY-1965
Change version from 3.2 to 4.0 - CAY-1964
Fix convertAdditionalDataMaps() in CayenneGeneratorMojo.java - CAY-1962
Implement CayenneTable column resize on double-click on the header separator - CAY-1961
Fix RemoveAction for DataMaps in ProjectTree - CAY-1960
ExpressionFactory.exp(..) , and(..), or(..) - CAY-1959
ObjectSelect query - a fluent API alternative to SelectQuery - CAY-1958
SelectById - a new full-featured select query to get objects by id - CAY-1954
Make Cayenne class constructor protected - CAY-1953
Redo ResultIteratorCallback to handle single row callback instead of iterator - CAY-1952
Undeprecate ObjectContext.deleteObject(..) - CAY-1950
Dangling meta character '*' near index 0 - CAY-1949
Search in configuration fields (Catalog, Schema) in DbEntity - CAY-1946
CDbimport improvements - CAY-1943
XML file not deleted when a DataMap is deleted from the project - CAY-1942
Refactoring of NamedObjectFactory and NamingStrategy - CAY-1939
DataDomain must use injectable TransactionManager - CAY-1938
Create a DI factory for transactions, get rid of TransactionDelegate and modeler config for tx policies - CAY-1937
Make Transaction an interface - CAY-1936
ServerRuntime.getDataSource() returning DataSource of a default DataNode - CAY-1935
EJBQL; Handling Collection as Parameter in IN Expression - CAY-1934
Escape Clause is Not Converyed into EJBQL from an Expression - CAY-1933
Problems in Evaluating EJBQL Statements with Integral Literals > Integer.MAX_VALUE - CAY-1932
Improved Handling for Scalar Parameters Converting Expressions to EJBQL - CAY-1929
Property.outer method to build OUTER join properties - CAY-1928
Second INNER join generated for OUTER flattended relationships in disjoint prefetches - CAY-1924
Upgrade of a project to v7 with cross-map inheritance loses super entity - CAY-1923
Optimize BatchTranslator - use fixed size array of BatchParameterBinding - CAY-1921
Support for schema selection in 'Migrate Database Schema' - CAY-1920
DI: add support for decorators - CAY-1919
Split DataNode creation into a separate DataNodeFactory - CAY-1918
Replace Oracle LOB hacks with JDBC 4.0 API - CAY-1916
cayenne-crypto module that enables data encryption for certain model attributes - CAY-1915
BatchTranslator instead of performing bindings should return binding object whose values can be altered - CAY-1914
Refactor EJBQL-related translators to a standalone 'org.apache.cayenne.access.translator.ejbql' package - CAY-1913
Refactor org.apache.cayenne.access.trans into query-specific packages - CAY-1912
BatchQueryBuilder refactoring - CAY-1911
BatchQuery refactoring - make Iterable
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