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- ARROW-12401
[R] Fix guard around dataset___Scanner__TakeRows - ARROW-12283
[R] Bindings for basic type convert functions in dplyr verbs - ARROW-12258
[R] Never do as.data.frame() on collect(as_data_frame = FALSE) - ARROW-12227
[R] Fix RE2 and median nightly build failures - ARROW-12197
[R] dplyr bindings for cast, dictionary_encode - ARROW-12155
[R] Require Table columns to be same length - ARROW-12141
[R] Bindings for grepl - ARROW-12113
[R] Fix rlang deprecation warning from check_select_helpers() - ARROW-12082
[R][Dataset] Allow create dataset from vector of file paths - ARROW-12073
[R] Fix R CMD check NOTE about ‘X_____X’ - ARROW-12003
[R] Fix NOTE re undefined global function group_by_drop_default - ARROW-11880
[R] Handle empty or NULL transmute() args properly - ARROW-11861
[R][Packaging] Apply changes in r/tools/autobrew upstream - ARROW-11801
[C++] Remove bad header guard in filesystem/type_fwd.h - ARROW-11754
[R] Support dplyr::compute() - ARROW-11735
[R] Allow Parquet and Arrow Dataset to be optional components - ARROW-11703
[R] Implement dplyr::arrange() - ARROW-11701
[R] Implement dplyr::relocate() - ARROW-11659
[R] Preserve group_by .drop argument - ARROW-11611
[C++] Update third party dependency mirrors - ARROW-11581
[Packaging][C++] Formalize distribution through vcpkg - ARROW-11580
[R] Bindings for sub/gsub - ARROW-11477
[R][Doc] Reorganize and improve README and vignette content - ARROW-11467
[R] Fix reference to json_table_reader() in R docs - ARROW-11340
[C++] Add vcpkg.json manifest to cpp project root - ARROW-11338
[R] Bindings for quantile and median - ARROW-11336
[C++][Doc] Improve Developing on Windows docs - ARROW-11192
[Documentation] Describe opening Visual Studio so it inherits a working env - ARROW-10953
[R] Validate when creating Table with schema
{"errorMessages":["You are not authorised to perform this operation. Please log in."],"errors":{}}
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