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- ARROW-6771
[Packaging][Python] Missing pytest dependency from conda and wheel builds - ARROW-6725
[CI] Disable 3rdparty fuzzit nightly builds - ARROW-6655
[Python] Filesystem bindings for S3 - ARROW-6584
[Python][Wheel] Bundle zlib again with the windows wheels - ARROW-6524
[Developer][Packaging] Nightly build report's subject should contain Arrow - ARROW-6518
[Packaging][Python] Flight failing in OSX Python wheel builds - ARROW-6504
[Python][Packaging] Add mimalloc to conda packages for better performance - ARROW-6480
[Developer] Add command to generate and send e-mail report for a Crossbow run - ARROW-6477
[Packaging][Crossbow] Use Azure Pipelines to build linux packages - ARROW-6454
[Developer] Add LLVM license to LICENSE.txt due to binary redistribution in packages - ARROW-6446
[OSX][Python][Wheel] Turn off ORC feature in the wheel building scripts - ARROW-6444
[CI][Crossbow] Nightly conda Windows builds fail (time out) - ARROW-6443
[CI][Crossbow] Nightly conda osx builds fail - ARROW-6432
[CI][Crossbow] Remove alpine crossbow jobs - ARROW-6431
[Python] Test suite fails without pandas installed - ARROW-6391
[Python][Flight] Add built-in methods on FlightServerBase to start server and wait for it to be available - ARROW-6253
[Python] Expose "enable_buffered_stream" option from parquet::ReaderProperties in pyarrow.parquet.read_table - ARROW-6015
[Python] pyarrow wheel: `DLL load failed` when importing on windows - ARROW-5958
[Python] Link zlib statically in the wheels - ARROW-5934
[Python] Bundle arrow's LICENSE with the wheels - ARROW-5899
[Python][Packaging] Bundle uriparser.dll in windows wheels - ARROW-5886
[Python][Packaging] Manylinux1/2010 compliance issue with libz - ARROW-5874
[Python] pyarrow 0.14.0 macOS wheels depend on shared libs under /usr/local/opt - ARROW-5848
[C++] SO versioning schema after release 1.0.0 - ARROW-5646
[Crossbow][Documentation] Move the user guide to the Sphinx documentation - ARROW-5522
[Packaging][Documentation] Comments out of date in python/manylinux1/build_arrow.sh - ARROW-5494
[Python] Create FileSystem bindings - ARROW-3710
[Crossbow][Python] Run nightly tests against pandas master - ARROW-3579
[Crossbow] Unintuitive error message when remote branch has not been pushed - ARROW-2931
[Crossbow] Windows builds are attempting to run linux and osx packaging tasks - ARROW-2769
[C++][Python] Deprecate and rename add_metadata methods
{"errorMessages":["You are not authorised to perform this operation. Please log in."],"errors":{}}
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