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- OFBIZ-9360
Have configuration options for lucene indexing - OFBIZ-9169
Make xssi prefix configurable - OFBIZ-6884
Replace Static["org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties"].getPropertyValue in .ftl files with EntityUtilProperties variant - OFBIZ-6793
Have configuration options for the ecommerce component. - OFBIZ-6711
Have configuration options regarding widgets - OFBIZ-6670
Have configuration options for Content. - OFBIZ-6448
Have configuration options regarding freemarkerImports.properties - OFBIZ-6294
Have configuration options for workeffort - OFBIZ-6211
Split configuration options in /framework/common .properties files - OFBIZ-6193
Have configuration options for bi - OFBIZ-6192
Have configuration options for catalog webapp - OFBIZ-6191
Have configuration options for ordermgr - OFBIZ-6190
Have configuration options for sfa - OFBIZ-6189
Have configuration options for accounting - OFBIZ-6168
Move hard coded 'require_*' options in SetupEvents.xml to SystemProperty entity records. - OFBIZ-6167
Ensure that appropriate fields of the OfbizSetup process in commonext register as SystemProperty entity records - OFBIZ-6166
Move hard coded 'require_*' options in UserEvents.xml to SystemProperty entity records. - OFBIZ-6165
Improve FindScreenDecorator to work with configurability of Search Find Screens per app. - OFBIZ-6162
Improve configuration options for Search/Find screens in project mgr. - OFBIZ-5976
Have the ability to configure SVN setup for scrum per tenant
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