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- HIVE-11387
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : fix reduce_deduplicate optimization - HIVE-11367
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): ExprNodeConverter should use HiveDecimal to create Decimal - HIVE-11347
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix CTAS - HIVE-11282
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Inferring Hive type char/varchar of length zero which is not allowed - HIVE-11257
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): Method isCombinablePredicate in HiveJoinToMultiJoinRule should be extended to support MultiJoin operators merge - HIVE-11252
CBO (Calcite Return Path): DUMMY project in plan - HIVE-11251
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Extending ExprNodeConverter to consider additional types - HIVE-11238
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): filterMaps is null in vectorMapJoin - HIVE-11234
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): reconsider the cross product in HiveJoinToMultiJoinRule - HIVE-11232
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix the output of select_same_col.q - HIVE-11231
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): make the output of ba_table_union.q more stable - HIVE-11223
CBO (Calcite Return Path): MapJoin and SMBJoin conversion not triggered - HIVE-11206
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Join translation should update all ExprNode recursively - HIVE-11007
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): dpCtx's mapInputToDP should depends on the last SEL - HIVE-11005
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : Regression on the latest master - HIVE-10991
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): NonBlockingOpDeDupProc did not kick in rcfile_merge2.q - HIVE-10882
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) empty filtersMap of join operator causes wrong results - HIVE-10864
CBO (Calcite Return Path): auto_join2.q returning wrong results - HIVE-10804
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): optimizer for limit 0 does not work - HIVE-10800
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Setup correct information if CBO succeeds - HIVE-10549
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Enable NonBlockingOpDeDupProc - HIVE-10547
CBO (Calcite Return Path) : genFileSinkPlan uses wrong partition col to create FS - HIVE-10533
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Join to MultiJoin support for outer joins - HIVE-10526
CBO (Calcite Return Path): HiveCost epsilon comparison should take row count in to account - HIVE-10522
CBO (Calcite Return Path): fix the wrong needed column names when TS is created - HIVE-10512
CBO (Calcite Return Path): SMBJoin conversion throws ClassCastException - HIVE-10506
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Disallow return path to be enable if CBO is off - HIVE-10493
Merge multiple joins when join keys are the same - HIVE-10479
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) Empty tabAlias in columnInfo which triggers PPD - HIVE-10463
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Insert overwrite... select * from... queries failing for bucketed tables - HIVE-10462
CBO (Calcite Return Path): MapJoin and SMBJoin conversion not triggered - HIVE-10455
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Different data types at Reducer before JoinOp - HIVE-10416
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Fix return columns if Sort operator is on top of plan returned by Calcite - HIVE-10413
[CBO] Return path assumes distinct column cant be same as grouping column - HIVE-10412
CBO : Calculate join selectivity when computing HiveJoin cost - HIVE-10400
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Exception when column name contains dot or colon characters - HIVE-10392
CBO (Calcite Return Path): colExprMap not generated for SelectOperator in HiveOpConverter causes problems in PPD - HIVE-10391
CBO (Calcite Return Path): HiveOpConverter always assumes that HiveFilter does not include a partition column - HIVE-10390
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Wrong type for windowing UDFs that produce different values for each row - HIVE-10388
CBO (Calcite Return Path): splitJoinCondition does not behave correctly when one side of the condition references columns from different inputs - HIVE-10386
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Disable Trivial Project Removal on ret path - HIVE-10380
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Add QBId to TableScan digest - HIVE-10377
CBO (Calcite Return Path): move qbid from RelOptHiveTable to HiveTableScan - HIVE-10375
CBO (Calcite Return Path): disable the identity project remover for some union operators - HIVE-10373
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Complete translation for all kinds of RexNode in Windowing - HIVE-10371
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Tag not set up correctly for Join operator in HiveOpConverter - HIVE-10369
CBO: Don't use HiveDefaultCostModel when With Tez and hive.cbo.costmodel.extended enabled - HIVE-10361
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Overriding toString method in join algorithms - HIVE-10360
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Remove HiveCostUtil - HIVE-10351
CBO (Calcite Return Path):Handle count ( * ) case for cbo return path
[{"id":-1,"name":"My open issues","jql":"assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-2,"name":"Reported by me","jql":"reporter = currentUser() order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-4,"name":"All issues","jql":"order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-5,"name":"Open issues","jql":"resolution = Unresolved order by priority DESC,updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-9,"name":"Done issues","jql":"statusCategory = Done order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-3,"name":"Viewed recently","jql":"issuekey in issueHistory() order by lastViewed DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-6,"name":"Created recently","jql":"created >= -1w order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-7,"name":"Resolved recently","jql":"resolutiondate >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-8,"name":"Updated recently","jql":"updated >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false}]