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- HADOOP-19333ABFS: [FnsOverBlob] Group Enums in AbfsRestOperationType into categories and Other Code Cleanups
- HADOOP-19234ABFS: [FnsOverBlob] Adding Integration Tests for Special Scenarios in Blob Endpoint
- HADOOP-19233ABFS: [FnsOverBlob] Implementing Rename and Delete APIs over Blob Endpoint
- HADOOP-19232ABFS: [FnsOverBlob] Implementing Ingress Support with various Fallback Handling
- HADOOP-19185Improve ABFS metric integration with iOStatistics
- HADOOP-19179ABFS: Support FNS Accounts over BlobEndpoint
- HADOOP-19157[ABFS] Filesystem contract tests to use methodPath for robust parallel test runs
- HADOOP-19149ABFS: Implement ThreadLocal for ObjectMapper in AzureHttpOperation via config option with static shared instance as an alternative.
- HADOOP-19140[ABFS, S3A] Add IORateLimiter api to hadoop common
- HADOOP-19139[ABFS]: No GetPathStatus call for opening AbfsInputStream
- HADOOP-19093Improve rate limiting through ABFS in Manifest Committer
- HADOOP-18940ABFS: Remove commons IOUtils.close() from AbfsOutputStream
- HADOOP-18884[ABFS] Support VectorIO in ABFS Input Stream
- HADOOP-18875ABFS: Add sendMs and recvMs for all AbfsHttpOperation calls
- HADOOP-18873ABFS: AbfsOutputStream doesnt close DataBlocks object.
- HADOOP-18841[ABFS][Retry Policy] Using hadoop-common code to refractor Abfs Retry Policy Implementation
- HADOOP-18690Fix for Javac Error of Unchecked Cast
- HADOOP-18640ABFS: Enabling Client-side Backoff only for new requests
- HADOOP-18632ABFS: Customize and optimize timeouts made based on each separate request
- HADOOP-18405abfs testReadAndWriteWithDifferentBufferSizesAndSeek failure
- HADOOP-18319ABFS: Fix FileSystemAlreadyExists error for AzureAD errors
- HADOOP-18316ABFS: Add support for cache handling when filesystem instance has clientCorrelationID enabled
- HADOOP-18141ABFS: Lease operations
- HADOOP-18083ABFS: Toggle Store Mkdirs request overwrite parameter with default value
- HADOOP-18081FileNotFoundException in abfs mkdirs() call
- HADOOP-18080ABFS: Skip testEtagConsistencyAcrossRename for Non-HNS accounts
- HADOOP-18032ABFS:Support for secondary accounts on ABFS Driver for SharedKey Auth
- HADOOP-17915ABFS AbfsDelegationTokenManager to generate canonicalServiceName if DT plugin doesn't
- HADOOP-17906AbstractAbfsIntegrationTest.createFilesystemForSASTests() leaks FS instances
- HADOOP-17890ABFS: Refactor HTTP request handling code
- HADOOP-17876ABFS to log @ debug each config option *And where it comes from*
- HADOOP-17873ABFS: Fix transient failures in ITestAbfsStreamStatistics and ITestAbfsRestOperationException
- HADOOP-17872ABFS: Refactor read flow to include ReadRequestParameter
- HADOOP-17867WASB: Fix Compiler Warnings
- HADOOP-17864ABFS: Fork AbfsHttpOperation to add alternate connection
- HADOOP-17853ABFS: Enable optional store connectivity over azure specific protocol for data egress
- HADOOP-17852ABFS: Test with 100MB buffer size in ITestAbfsReadWriteAndSeek times out
- HADOOP-17826ABFS: Transient failure of TestAbfsClientThrottlingAnalyzer.testManySuccessAndErrorsAndWaiting
- HADOOP-17797transient failure of ITestAbfsListStatusRemoteIterator.testWithAbfsIteratorDisabledWithoutHasNext
- HADOOP-17790ABFS: Modifications to TracingContext
- HADOOP-17781ABFS: ITestAzureBlobFileSystemLease test failure for Appendblob HNS OAuth
- HADOOP-17767ABFS: Improve test scripts
- HADOOP-17716ABFS: ITestAbfsStreamStatistics TestAbfsStreamOps fail with append blob on HNS account
- HADOOP-17691Abfs directory delete times out on large directory tree w/ Oauth: OperationTimedOut
- HADOOP-17687ABFS: delete call sets Socket timeout lesser than query timeout leading to failures
- HADOOP-17652ABFS IsNamespaceEnabled shouldn't use/log exceptions as default execution path
- HADOOP-17640ABFS: transient failure of TestAzureBlobFileSystemFileStatus.testLastModifiedTime
- HADOOP-17637ABFS: rename ListResultSchemaTest to TestListResultSchema so maven tests run it
- HADOOP-17636ABFS: Remove the workaround used for Http PATCH
- HADOOP-17590ABFS: Introduce Lease Operations with Append to provide single writer semantics
1 of 71
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