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- FLINK-34268
Add a test to verify if restore test exists for ExecNode - FLINK-33447
Avoid CompiledPlan recompilation during loading - FLINK-33375
Add a RestoreTestBase - FLINK-33371
Make TestValues sinks return results as Rows - FLINK-33179
Improve reporting serialisation issues - FLINK-26376
Replace TableConfig with PlannerConfig in PlannerContext - FLINK-26297
Introduce ExecutionNodeConfig which will be used in all Exec Nodes - FLINK-26283
Harden AggregateCall serialization in JSON plan - FLINK-26280
Add a flag to disable uid generation - FLINK-26250
Document the upgrade story - FLINK-26132
Always serialize anonymous table - FLINK-26131
CompiledPlan should implement Executable - FLINK-26089
Introduce TablePipeline - FLINK-26075
Persist per-ExecNode configuration - FLINK-26071
TableEnvironment#compilePlan should fail - FLINK-26060
Make Python specific exec nodes unsupported - FLINK-26055
Use new FlinkVersion enum for serde plans - FLINK-26053
Fix parser generator warnings - FLINK-26044
Properly declare internal UNNEST function - FLINK-25990
Expose uid generator for DataStream/Transformation providers - FLINK-25986
Add FLIP-190 new API methods to python - FLINK-25942
Use jackson jdk8/time modules for Duration ser/de - FLINK-25932
Introduce ExecNodeContext.generateUid() - FLINK-25895
Add ExecNodeGraph ser/de - FLINK-25870
Introduce ContextResolvedFunction similar to ContextResolvedTable - FLINK-25845
Expose plan via SQL COMPILE / EXECUTE PLAN - FLINK-25844
Expose plan via StatementSet.compilePlan - FLINK-25843
Expose plan via Table.compilePlan/TableEnvironment.fromPlan - FLINK-25841
Expose plan via TableEnvironment.compilePlanSql/executePlan - FLINK-25826
Handle symbols at a central place with serializable format - FLINK-25809
Introduce test infra for building FLIP-190 tests - FLINK-25805
Use compact DataType serialization for default classes instead of internal ones - FLINK-25791
Make ObjectIdentifier json representation simpler - FLINK-25769
Add internal functions and basic function versioning - FLINK-25659
LogicalRelDataTypeConverterTest is flaky on Azure - FLINK-25609
Avoid creating temporary tables for inline tables - FLINK-25600
Support new statement set syntax in sql client and update docs - FLINK-25518
Harden JSON Serialization utilities - FLINK-25516
Add catalog object compile/restore options - FLINK-25392
Add new STATEMENT SET syntax - FLINK-25391
Updating existing table factories for mutable table options - FLINK-25390
Support forward options in DynamicTableFactory - FLINK-25389
Update JSON plan with new ExecNodeMetadata - FLINK-25388
Identify topology changing config options for all StreamExec nodes - FLINK-25387
Introduce ExecNodeMetadata annotation and tooling - FLINK-25386
Harden table serialization in JSON plan - FLINK-25385
Harden function serialization in JSON plan - FLINK-25230
Harden type serialization in JSON plan - FLINK-15585
Improve function identifier string in plan digest
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