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- FLINK-15807
Document Java 11 support - FLINK-15614
Consolidate documentation on how to integrate Hadoop - FLINK-15425
Improve docs that only old CSV format is supported in filesystem connector - FLINK-15344
Update limitations in hive udf document - FLINK-15293
Document new RocksDB memory configuration - FLINK-15279
Document new `executeAsync()` method and the newly introduced `JobClient` - FLINK-15278
Update StreamingFileSink documentation - FLINK-15277
Update SQL DDL document to add syntax and example of computed column - FLINK-15276
Update CLI documentation to reflect the addition of the ExecutorCLI - FLINK-15275
Update CLI documentation to include only current valid options - FLINK-15274
Update Filesystem documentation to reflect changes in shading - FLINK-15271
Add documentation about the Python environment requirements - FLINK-15270
Add documentation about how to specify third-party dependencies via API for Python UDFs - FLINK-15205
add doc and exmaple of INSERT OVERWRITE and insert into partitioned table for Hive connector - FLINK-15204
add documentation for Flink-Hive timestamp conversions in table and udf - FLINK-15193
Move DDL to first tab in table connector page - FLINK-15192
Split 'SQL' page into multiple sub pages for better structure - FLINK-15189
Add documentation for hive view - FLINK-15143
Create document for FLIP-49 TM memory model and configuration guide - FLINK-14796
Add document about limitations of different Hive versions - FLINK-14610
Add documentation for how to define time attribute in DDL - FLINK-10939
Add documents for natively running Flink session cluster on k8s
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