Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task YARN-11342

YARN-10144 [Federation] Refactor FederationClientInterceptor#submitApplication Use FederationActionRetry

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11297

YARN-10144 Improve Yarn Router Reservation Submission Code

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11239

YARN-10144 Optimize FederationClientInterceptor audit log

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11238

YARN-10144 Optimizing FederationClientInterceptor Call with Parallelism

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11203

YARN-10144 Fix typo in hadoop-yarn-server-router module

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Minor Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11180

YARN-10144 Refactor some code of getNewApplication, submitApplication, forceKillApplication, getApplicationReport

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Minor Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11177

YARN-10144 Support getNewReservation, submitReservation, updateReservation, deleteReservation API's for Federation

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11169

YARN-10144 Support moveApplicationAcrossQueues, getQueueInfo API's for Federation

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Resolved  
Sub-task YARN-11161

YARN-10144 Support getAttributesToNodes, getClusterNodeAttributes, getNodesToAttributes API's for Federation

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11160

YARN-10144 Support getResourceProfiles, getResourceProfile API's for Federation

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11159

YARN-10144 Support failApplicationAttempt, updateApplicationPriority, updateApplicationTimeouts API's for Federation

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11158

YARN-10144 Support getDelegationToken, renewDelegationToken, cancelDelegationToken API's for Federation

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11140

YARN-10144 Support getClusterNodeLabels API in FederationClientInterceptor

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Duplicate  
Sub-task YARN-11138

YARN-10144 TestRouterWebServicesREST Junit Test Error Fix

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Duplicate  
Sub-task YARN-11137

YARN-10144 Improve log message in FederationClientInterceptor

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Minor Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11136

YARN-10144 Support getLabelsToNodes API in FederationClientInterceptor

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Duplicate  
Sub-task YARN-11134

YARN-10144 Support getNodeToLabels API in FederationClientInterceptor

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Duplicate  
Sub-task YARN-11130

YARN-10144 RouterClientRMService Has Unused import

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Minor Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11122

YARN-10144 Support getClusterNodes API in FederationClientInterceptor

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-11121

YARN-10144 Check GetClusterMetrics Request parameter is null

Shilun Fan Shilun Fan Major Resolved Works for Me  
Sub-task YARN-10957

YARN-10144 Use invokeConcurrent Overload with Collection in getClusterMetrics

Akshat Bordia Akshat Bordia Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-10893

YARN-10144 Add metrics for getClusterMetrics and getApplications APIs in FederationClientInterceptor

Akshat Bordia Akshat Bordia Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-10829

YARN-10144 Support getApplications API in FederationClientInterceptor

Akshat Bordia Akshat Bordia Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-10487

YARN-10144 Support getQueueUserAcls, listReservations, getApplicationAttempts, getContainerReport, getContainers, getResourceTypeInfo API's for Federation

Shilun Fan D M Murali Krishna Reddy Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-10465

YARN-10144 Support getNodeToLabels, getLabelsToNodes, getClusterNodeLabels API's for Federation

Shilun Fan D M Murali Krishna Reddy Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-10463

YARN-10144 For Federation, we should support getApplicationAttemptReport.

Qi Zhu Qi Zhu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-10132

YARN-10144 For Federation,yarn applicationattempt fail command throws an exception

Qi Zhu Sushanta Sen Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-10122

YARN-10144 Support signalToContainer API for Federation

Shilun Fan Sushanta Sen Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task YARN-10121

YARN-10144 In Federation executing yarn queue status command throws an exception

Shilun Fan Sushanta Sen Major Resolved Not A Problem  
Sub-task YARN-10111

YARN-10144 In Federation cluster Distributed Shell Application submission fails as YarnClient#getQueueInfo is not implemented

Qi Zhu Sushanta Sen Blocker Resolved Fixed  
