Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task SUBMARINE-947

SUBMARINE-873 Deploy website must be limited to apache submarine repository

KUAN-HSUN-LI KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-946

SUBMARINE-873 Remove duplicate tests in GitHub Actions

KUAN-HSUN-LI KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-913

SUBMARINE-873 Remove Travis CI test

KUAN-HSUN-LI KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-905

SUBMARINE-873 Replace Travis CI status badge with GitHub Actions status badge

KUAN-HSUN-LI KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-897

SUBMARINE-873 Submarine-server test sometimes fails when GitHub Actions image updates

Unassigned KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-896

SUBMARINE-873 Add path filter for skipping some unrelated tests

KUAN-HSUN-LI KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-895

SUBMARINE-873 Refactor GitHub Actions YAML files

KUAN-HSUN-LI KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-876

SUBMARINE-873 Migrate the Unit tests from Travis CI to GitHub Actions

KUAN-HSUN-LI KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-875

SUBMARINE-873 Migrate the Integration test from Travis CI to GitHub Actions

KUAN-HSUN-LI KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-874

SUBMARINE-873 Fail to start Kubernetes and KInD at GitHub Actions

KUAN-HSUN-LI KUAN-HSUN-LI Major Resolved Fixed  
