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  1. ZooKeeper
  2. ZOOKEEPER-1125

Intermittent java core test failures



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Not A Problem
    • None
    • 3.5.0
    • tests
    • None


      Some of the tests are consistently failing for me and intermittently on hudson.

      Posting discussion from mailing list below.

      Can you please open a jira for this and mark it as a blocker for 3.4
      release? Looks like its transient:


      The latest build is passing.


      • Hide quoted text -

      On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Vishal Kher <vishalmlst@gmail.com> wrote:
      > Hi,
      > ant test-core-java is consistently failing for me.
      > The error seems to be either:
      > Testcase: testFollowersStartAfterLeader took 35.577 sec
      > Caused an ERROR
      > Did not connect
      > java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Did not connect
      > at
      > org.apache.zookeeper.test.ClientBase$CountdownWatcher.waitForConnected(ClientBase.java:124)
      > at
      > org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumTest.testFollowersStartAfterLeader(QuorumTest.java:308)
      > at
      > org.apache.zookeeper.JUnit4ZKTestRunner$LoggedInvokeMethod.evaluate(JUnit4ZKTestRunner.java:52)
      > or
      > Testcase: testNoLogBeforeLeaderEstablishment took 8.831 sec
      > Caused an ERROR
      > KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /blah
      > org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException:
      > KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /blah
      > at org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.create(KeeperException.java:99)
      > at org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.create(KeeperException.java:51)
      > at org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper.create(ZooKeeper.java:761)
      > at
      > org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumTest.testNoLogBeforeLeaderEstablishment(QuorumTest.java:385)
      > at
      > org.apache.zookeeper.JUnit4ZKTestRunner$LoggedInvokeMethod.evaluate(JUnit4ZKTestRunner.java:52)
      > Looks like the reason why the tests are failing for me is similar to why the
      > tests failed on hudson:
      > 2011-07-11 14:47:26,219 [myid:] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/
      > :Leader@425] - Shutdown called
      > java.lang.Exception: shutdown Leader! reason: Only 0 followers, need 1
      > at org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.Leader.shutdown(Leader.java:425)
      > at org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.Leader.lead(Leader.java:400)
      > at
      > org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeer.run(QuorumPeer.java:729)
      > 2011-07-11 14:47:26,220 [myid:] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/
      > :ZooKeeperServer@416] - shutting down
      > The leader is not able to ping the followers. Has anyone seen this before?
      > Thanks.
      > -Vishal
      > On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 6:52 AM, Apache Jenkins Server <
      > jenkins@builds.apache.org> wrote:
      >> See https://builds.apache.org/job/ZooKeeper-trunk/1239/
      >> ###################################################################################
      >> ########################## LAST 60 LINES OF THE CONSOLE
      >> ###########################
      >> [...truncated 242795 lines...]
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,673 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:SessionTrackerImpl@206] - Shutting down
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,673 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:PrepRequestProcessor@702] - Shutting down
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,674 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:SyncRequestProcessor@170] - Shutting down
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,674 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [SyncThread:0:SyncRequestProcessor@152] - SyncRequestProcessor exited!
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,675 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:FinalRequestProcessor@423] - shutdown of request processor complete
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,674 [myid:] - INFO [ProcessThread(sid:0
      >> cport:-1)::PrepRequestProcessor@133] - PrepRequestProcessor exited loop!
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,676 [myid:] - INFO [main:ClientBase@227] -
      >> connecting to 11221
      >> [junit] ensureOnly:[]
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,677 [myid:] - INFO [main:ClientBase@428] -
      >> STARTING server
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,678 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:ZooKeeperServer@164] - Created server with tickTime 3000
      >> minSessionTimeout 6000 maxSessionTimeout 60000 datadir
      >> /grid/0/hudson/hudson-slave/workspace/ZooKeeper-trunk/trunk/build/test/tmp/test1139867753736175617.junit.dir/version-2
      >> snapdir
      >> /grid/0/hudson/hudson-slave/workspace/ZooKeeper-trunk/trunk/build/test/tmp/test1139867753736175617.junit.dir/version-2
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,679 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:NIOServerCnxnFactory@94] - binding to port
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,680 [myid:] - INFO [main:FileSnap@83] -
      >> Reading snapshot
      >> /grid/0/hudson/hudson-slave/workspace/ZooKeeper-trunk/trunk/build/test/tmp/test1139867753736175617.junit.dir/version-2/snapshot.b
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,683 [myid:] - INFO [main:FileTxnSnapLog@256]
      >> - Snapshotting: b
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,684 [myid:] - INFO [main:ClientBase@227] -
      >> connecting to 11221
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,685 [myid:] - INFO [NIOServerCxn.Factory:
      >>] - Accepted socket
      >> connection from /
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,686 [myid:] - INFO [NIOServerCxn.Factory:
      >>] - Processing stat command from /
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,686 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [Thread-5:NIOServerCnxn$StatCommand@652] - Stat command output
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,688 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [Thread-5:NIOServerCnxn@995] - Closed socket connection for client /
      >> (no session established for client)
      >> [junit] ensureOnly:[InMemoryDataTree, StandaloneServer_port]
      >> [junit] expect:InMemoryDataTree
      >> [junit] found:InMemoryDataTree
      >> org.apache.ZooKeeperService:name0=StandaloneServer_port-1,name1=InMemoryDataTree
      >> [junit] expect:StandaloneServer_port
      >> [junit] found:StandaloneServer_port
      >> org.apache.ZooKeeperService:name0=StandaloneServer_port-1
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,690 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:JUnit4ZKTestRunner$LoggedInvokeMethod@57] - FINISHED TEST METHOD
      >> testQuota
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,690 [myid:] - INFO [main:ClientBase@465] -
      >> tearDown starting
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,754 [myid:] - INFO [main:ZooKeeper@662] -
      >> Session: 0x13113b1aca50000 closed
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,754 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main-EventThread:ClientCnxn$EventThread@495] - EventThread shut down
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,754 [myid:] - INFO [main:ClientBase@435] -
      >> STOPPING server
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,755 [myid:] - INFO [NIOServerCxn.Factory:
      >>] - NIOServerCnxn factory
      >> exited run method
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,755 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:ZooKeeperServer@416] - shutting down
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,756 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:SessionTrackerImpl@206] - Shutting down
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,756 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:PrepRequestProcessor@702] - Shutting down
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,757 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:SyncRequestProcessor@170] - Shutting down
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,760 [myid:] - INFO [ProcessThread(sid:0
      >> cport:-1)::PrepRequestProcessor@133] - PrepRequestProcessor exited loop!
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,762 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [SyncThread:0:SyncRequestProcessor@152] - SyncRequestProcessor exited!
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,762 [myid:] - INFO
      >> [main:FinalRequestProcessor@423] - shutdown of request processor complete
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,763 [myid:] - INFO [main:ClientBase@227] -
      >> connecting to 11221
      >> [junit] ensureOnly:[]
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,767 [myid:] - INFO [main:ClientBase@493] -
      >> fdcount after test is: 35 at start it was 24
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,767 [myid:] - INFO [main:ClientBase@495] -
      >> sleeping for 20 secs
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,768 [myid:] - INFO [main:ZKTestCase$1@60]
      >> - SUCCEEDED testQuota
      >> [junit] 2011-07-10 10:57:16,768 [myid:] - INFO [main:ZKTestCase$1@55]
      >> - FINISHED testQuota
      >> [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.691 sec
      >> /grid/0/hudson/hudson-slave/workspace/ZooKeeper-trunk/trunk/build.xml:959:
      >> The following error occurred while executing this line:
      >> /grid/0/hudson/hudson-slave/workspace/ZooKeeper-trunk/trunk/build.xml:870:
      >> Tests failed!
      >> Total time: 19 minutes 0 seconds
      >> [FINDBUGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
      >> [WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
      >> Recording fingerprints
      >> Archiving artifacts
      >> Recording test results
      >> Publishing Javadoc
      >> Publishing Clover coverage report...
      >> No Clover report will be published due to a Build Failure
      >> Email was triggered for: Failure
      >> Sending email for trigger: Failure
      >> ###################################################################################
      >> ############################## FAILED TESTS (if any)
      >> ##############################
      >> 2 tests failed.
      >> REGRESSION: org.apache.zookeeper.test.ObserverTest.testObserver
      >> Error Message:
      >> KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /obstest
      >> Stack Trace:
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException:
      >> KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /obstest
      >> at
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.create(KeeperException.java:99)
      >> at
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.create(KeeperException.java:51)
      >> at org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper.create(ZooKeeper.java:761)
      >> at
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.test.ObserverTest.testObserver(ObserverTest.java:101)
      >> at
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.JUnit4ZKTestRunner$LoggedInvokeMethod.evaluate(JUnit4ZKTestRunner.java:52)
      >> REGRESSION: org.apache.zookeeper.test.ReadOnlyModeTest.testSeekForRwServer
      >> Error Message:
      >> KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /test
      >> Stack Trace:
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException:
      >> KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /test
      >> at
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.create(KeeperException.java:99)
      >> at
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.create(KeeperException.java:51)
      >> at org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper.create(ZooKeeper.java:761)
      >> at
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.test.ReadOnlyModeTest.testSeekForRwServer(ReadOnlyModeTest.java:213)
      >> at
      >> org.apache.zookeeper.JUnit4ZKTestRunner$LoggedInvokeMethod.evaluate(JUnit4ZKTestRunner.java:52)


        1. fail_on_27th_iteration.log.gz
          466 kB
          Eugene Joseph Koontz
        2. repeat-script.patch
          0.5 kB
          Eugene Joseph Koontz
        3. zk1125.log.gz
          1.28 MB
          Eugene Joseph Koontz
        4. ZOOKEEPER-1125.patch
          0.6 kB
          Vishal Kher

        Issue Links



              vishalmlst Vishal Kher
              vishalmlst Vishal Kher
              2 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue

