ATSV2 entities rest api does not show the metrics
[hbase@yarn-ats-3 centos]$ curl -s "http://yarn-ats-3:8198/ws/v2/timeline/apps/application_1553685341603_0006/entities/YARN_CONTAINER/container_e18_1553685341603_0006_01_000001?" | jq . { "metrics": [], "events": [], "createdtime": 1553695002014, "idprefix": 0, "type": "YARN_CONTAINER", "id": "container_e18_1553685341603_0006_01_000001", "info": { "UID": "ats!application_1553685341603_0006!YARN_CONTAINER!0!container_e18_1553685341603_0006_01_000001", "FROM_ID": "ats!hbase!QuasiMonteCarlo!1553695001394!application_1553685341603_0006!YARN_CONTAINER!0!container_e18_1553685341603_0006_01_000001" }, "configs": {}, "isrelatedto": {}, "relatesto": {} }
NodeManager puts YARN_CONTAINER entities with CPU and MEMORY metrics but this is not shown in above output. Found NM container entities are set with entityIdPrefix as inverted container starttime whereas RM container entities are set with default 0. TimelineReader fetches only RM container entries.
Confirmed with setting NM container entities entityIdPrefix to 0 same as RM (for testing purpose) and found metrics are shown.
"metrics": [ { "type": "SINGLE_VALUE", "id": "MEMORY", "aggregationOp": "NOP", "values": { "1553774981355": 490430464 } }, { "type": "SINGLE_VALUE", "id": "CPU", "aggregationOp": "NOP", "values": { "1553774981355": 5 } } ]