After YARN-7242, it has a bug to read resource values other than memory/vcores.
Wangda Tan
created issue -
Wangda Tan
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Attachment | YARN-7718.001.patch [ 12905176 ] |
Wangda Tan
made changes -
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Patch Available [ 10002 ] |
Sunil G
made changes -
Assignee | Wangda Tan [ leftnoteasy ] |
Sunil G
made changes -
Fix Version/s | 3.1.0 [ 12341436 ] | |
Hadoop Flags | Reviewed [ 10343 ] | |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Patch Available [ 10002 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Attached ver.1 patch, we should set container_resources regardless of profiles enabled.