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  1. Hadoop YARN
  2. YARN-7399

Yarn services metadata storage improvement



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • yarn-native-services
    • None


      In Slider, metadata is stored in user's home directory. Slider command line interface interacts with HDFS directly to list deployed applications and invoke YARN API or HDFS API to provide information to user. This design works for a single user manage his/her own applications. When this design has been ported to Yarn services, it becomes apparent that this design is difficult to list all deployed applications on Hadoop cluster for administrator to manage applications. Resource Manager needs to crawl through every user's home directory to compile metadata about deployed applications. This can trigger high load on namenode to list hundreds or thousands of list directory calls owned by different users. Hence, it might be best to centralize the metadata storage to Solr or HBase to reduce number of IO calls to namenode for manage applications.

      In Slider, one application is composed of metainfo, specifications in json, and payload of zip file that contains application code and deployment code. Both meta information, and zip file payload are stored in the same application directory in HDFS. This works well for distributed applications without central application manager that oversee all application.
      In the next generation of application management, we like to centralize metainfo and specifications in json to a centralized storage managed by YARN user, and keep the payload zip file in user's home directory or in docker registry. This arrangement can provide a faster lookup for metainfo when we list all deployed applications and services on YARN dashboard.

      When we centralize metainfo to YARN user, we also need to build ACL to enforce who can manage applications, and make update. The current proposal is:
      yarn.admin.acl - list of groups that can submit/reconfigure/pause/kill all applications
      normal users - submit/reconfigure/pause/kill his/her own applications


        1. YARN-7399.001.patch
          4 kB
          Eric Yang
        2. YARN-7399.002.patch
          4 kB
          Eric Yang
        3. YARN-7399.png
          44 kB
          Eric Yang

        Issue Links



              eyang Eric Yang
              eyang Eric Yang
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