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  1. Hadoop YARN
  2. YARN-3309

Capacity scheduler can wait a very long time for node locality



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 2.6.0
    • None
    • capacityscheduler
    • None


      The capacity scheduler will delay scheduling a container on a rack-local node in hopes that a node-local opportunity will come along (YARN-80). It does this by counting the number of missed scheduling opportunities the application has had. When the count reaches a certain threshold, the app will accept the rack-local node. The documented recommendation is to set this threshold to the #nodes in the cluster.

      However, there are some early-out optimizations that can lead to this delay being a very long time.
      Example in allocateContainersToNode():

         // Try to schedule more if there are no reservations to fulfill
          if (node.getReservedContainer() == null) {
            if (calculator.computeAvailableContainers(node.getAvailableResource(),
              minimumAllocation) > 0) {
              if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Trying to schedule on node: " + node.getNodeName() +
                    ", available: " + node.getAvailableResource());
              root.assignContainers(clusterResource, node, false);

      So, in a large cluster that is completely full (AvailableResource on each node is 0), SchedulingOpportunities will only increase at the rate of container completion rate, not the heartbeat rate, which I think was the original assumption of YARN-80. On a large cluster, this can lead to an hour+ of skipped scheduling opportunities meaning the fifo'ness of a queue is ignored for a very long time.

      Maybe there should be a time-based limit on this delay as well as a count of missed-scheduling opportunities.


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              nroberts Nathan Roberts
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