Status: Resolved
Resolution: Duplicate
The WSCE creates the local, usercache, filecache appcache dirs in the normal DefaultContainerExecutor way, and then assigns ownership to the userprocess. The WSCE configured group is added, but the permission masks used (710) do no give write permissions on the appcache/filecache/usercache folder to the NM itself.
The creation of these folders, as well as the creation of the temporary classPath jar files must succeed even after thes file/dir ownership is relinquished to the task user and the NM does not run as a local Administrator.
LCE handles all these dirs inside the container-executor app (root). The classpathJar issue does not exists on Linux.
The dirs can be handled by simply delaying the transfer (create all dirs and temp files, then assign ownership in bulk) but the task classpathJar is 'special' and needs some refactoring of the NM launch sequence.