When I search for an XmlObject within the root xml document using org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject.selectPath(String arg0) API with following query expression selectPath() is returning the matching XmlObject.
selectPath("declare namespace wf='' //wf:data[@id='data.85']")
but calling the same method with same query expression returns no matching XmlObjects after moving one child xml object from one location to another location within using org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor.moveXml(XmlCursor arg0) API.
As per my xml schema my xml have the following structure.
root document is session. Inside session we can have task. Inside task we can have task and data.
The issue arises when I search for a data using it's id after moving one child task to new location within a parent task.
I have attached the schema file and sample code to reproduce the issue for reference.