Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Version 2.3, Version 2.3.1
Windows XP
Java 1.6.0_03
When I run scomp.bat generating Java 1.5 source on the attached XSD I get uncompilable java code. When I run scomp generating Java 1.4 source I don't get the errors.
Note: The attached XSD is a stripped down version of a publicly available schema from the OGC's (Open Geospatial Consortium) GML version 3.1.1 schemas. You would not have wanted to fix this bug based upon those schemas!
— Screen grab to Generate Java 1.4
c:\xmlbeans\bug>scomp -javasource 1.4 xmlbeansbug.xsd
Time to build schema type system: 0.5 seconds
Time to generate code: 0.156 seconds
Time to compile code: 0.875 seconds
Compiled types to: xmltypes.jar
— Screen grab to Generate Java 1.5
c:\xmlbeans\bug>scomp -javasource 1.5 xmlbeansbug.xsd
Time to build schema type system: 0.516 seconds
Time to generate code: 0.14 seconds
c:\Temp\xbean9041.d\src\net\opengis\gml\ getPosList() is already defined in net.opengis.gml.TestDocument.Test
net.opengis.gml.DirectPositionListType getPosList();
c:\Temp\xbean9041.d\src\net\opengis\gml\impl\ getPosList() is already defined in net.opengis.gml.impl.TestDocumentImpl.TestImpl
public net.opengis.gml.DirectPositionListType getPosList()
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: c:\Temp\xbean9041.d\src\net\opengis\gml\impl\ uses un
checked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
2 errors