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  1. XMLGraphicsCommons
  2. XGC-16

fop massively scales up some jpeg images in pdfs




      Description of problem:

      When using fop to create a PDF document from DocBook XML, some (but not most)
      JPEG images are scaled up instead of being shown at 100%. In this test case,
      this results in only a small part of the image being shown on the page.

      This image was created from a .png (which had transparency, I think, in case
      that is interesting), with imagemagick's convert command, and then scaled down
      with imagemagick's "mogrify --resize 450x450" command. It seems to be that
      resizing that made an image that causes problems for fop, though fop has no
      problem with other images that were processed in the same way.

      Other applications, such as eog, have no problem with this file.

      (I did the conversion to JPEG because of bug #461740, and I did the resizing
      because I see no other way to tell fop, or the DocBook XSL, to fit the images
      on the page without cropping.)

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Unpack this tarball:
      (I would attach it but that does not work in this bugzilla for tarballs.)

      2. cd into the directory

      3. Do:
      xsltproc -o flumotion.fo -xinclude --catalogs
      http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/fo/docbook.xsl flumotion.xml

      4: Do:
      fop -fo flumotion.fo -pdf flumotion.pdf

      The tarballs contains the generated PDF so you can see the result without even
      doing that.


        1. flumotion.pdf
          25 kB
          Lillian Angel
        2. flumotion.fo
          88 kB
          Lillian Angel



            general@xmlgraphics.apache.org XML Graphics Project Mailing List
            langel@redhat.com Lillian Angel
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