Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Xerces-J is not reporting an error when attempting to redefine a group in a schema document which is not defined in the "redefined schema document" but in a document which is included by the "redefined schema document".
For example. Schema A has a redefine of Schema B for the group keyword. Schema B has an include of Schema C which has the keyword group as well as some other includes. An error should be reported for not finding the group keyword in Schema B.
In 4.2.2, there is a sentence "In all cases there must be a top-level definition item of the appropriate name and kind in the <redefine>d schema document." which means A can't redefine a component in C. it can only redefine components in B.
Xerces-J also allows A includes B and redefines C, but the component being redefined is from B.