Status: Closed
Resolution: Incomplete
We are using xerces 1.6 in our application. Our appilication crashes frequently in XMLString::transcode function.
Following is the stack trace of the core
ff0d7264 _smalloc (8, 0, d9200, ff0d73f4, fffffff9, ff1b929c) + 98
ff0d72d0 malloc (7, 1, d914c, ff142f40, ff1b03d8, ff1ba5a0) + 4c
fe7570a8 _1c2n6FI_pv (7, ffbfb330, 30, 14ea8, fe76bf28, 6) + 2c
fe897aa4 _1cSIconvLCPTranscoderJtranscode6MkpkH_pc (c961c0, 90858, fe9d8c0c, c961c0, fe992f7c, fe8979dc) + c8
fed2d564 _1cKXMLHandlerMstartElement6MkpkHkp1k4rknKAttributesv (613e8, 8f5c8, 32a68, 32a40, 92ec4, 8f5c8) + 2e0c
fe8bcee0 _1cRSAX2XMLReaderImplMstartElement6MrknOXMLElementDecl_kIkpkHrknLRefVectorOf4nHXMLAttr_4kb9C_v (92eb0, c93d18, 1, 5ce50, 92a18, 2) + 25c
fe90097c _1cKXMLScannerOscanStartTagNS6Mrb_b (0, c93d18, fe8be500, 1, 2, fe98fd78) + 1264
fe8fd828 _1cKXMLScannerLscanContent6Mkb_b (92fb0, 1, 1, fe9d8f74, fe9d8f9c, fe9c88b1) + 180
fe8fb3a0 _1cKXMLScannerMscanDocument6MrknLInputSource_kb_v (92fb0, 92eb4, fe9c38e4, fe8be514, 92eb4, 0) + 80
fe8fb1c4 _1cKXMLScannerMscanDocument6MkpkHkb_v (92fb0, 65460, 0, c961c0, fe992f7c, fe897bf0) + 84
fe8fb2f0 _1cKXMLScannerMscanDocument6Mkpkckb_v (92fb0, fead0ea0, 0, e03b8e3f, c1800, 1dc71f8) + 28
fe8bc528 _1cRSAX2XMLReaderImplFparse6Mkpkc_v (92eb0, fead0ea0, fed38098, fed380a5, ffbfca9c, ff142f40) + 7c
fed292f8 ParseXML (fead0ea0, 1, fea4e2db, fea4e2e9, ffbfcef4, 1) + f8
fea300cc PMStart (1, 0, 0, fea78924, ffbfd180, ff041170) + f3c
fea1f544 ProcessFile (ff041170, ffbfd894, 3, 80808080, ff00, 80808080) + 5fc
fea200f4 XMLInlibMain (ff040000, ffbfdc80, ffbffc24, ffbffc44, 49e0, 274bc) + 7d4
00014698 main (ffbfdbf8, ffbffc24
Please let us know the resolution for the issue in version 1.6 itself ,as we cannot upgrade to higher versions of xerces.