Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Solaris 10
Sun CC: Sun C++ 5.7 Patch 117830-07 2006/03/15
When parsing a document the SGXMLScanner and (sometimes) the IGXMLScanner does not
correctly report QNames when calling startElement() and endElement(): specifically, it omits
the namespace prefix. (Other scanners behave differently=>correctly.)
For example, using the SAX2Print sample against the document:
<doc xsi:schemaLocation="doc doc.xsd ent ent.xsd"
xmlns="doc" xmlns:ent="ent"
(with appropriate "doc.xsd" and "ent.xsd" files in the CWD), "SAX2Print -s" reports:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="LATIN1"?>
<doc xsi:schemaLocation="doc doc.xsd ent ent.xsd">
but "SAX2Print" reports:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="LATIN1"?>
<doc xsi:schemaLocation="doc doc.xsd ent ent.xsd">
Note "<company>" vs. "<ent:company>".
Note also that SAX2Print by default will be using the IGXMLScanner;
if you force the use of the SGXMLScanner by modifying SAX2Print.cpp:
- SAX2Print.cpp Fri May 26 16:18:07 2006
- SAX2Print.cpp.ORIG Fri May 26 16:16:13 2006
- 319,329 ****
parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, schemaFullChecking);
parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpacePrefixes, namespacePrefixes);
- parser->setProperty(
- xercesc::XMLUni::fgXercesScannerName,
- static_cast<void*>(const_cast<XMLCh*>(
- xercesc::XMLUni::fgSGXMLScanner)));
// Create the handler object and install it as the document and error
// handler for the parser. Then parse the file and catch any exceptions
then both "SAX2Print -s" and SAX2Print" fail, printing <company> rather than <ent:company>.
I will attach the test document and schema files.
We have a kludge for SAX2XMLReaderImpl.cpp that works around the above bug,
but it's not the right fix, as there is nothing really wrong with SAX2XMLReaderImpl.cpp,
just the underlying scanners. Nonetheless, I will attach that also.