This issue probably related to 1284. (Or a duplicate of it)
The attached sample code failes with Xerces2.6.
The problem seems to be that there's double checing for the utf8 bom. Bellow is a patch to XMLParser.cpp that resolves this issue. [ The bug is that we've already detected utf8 bom and modified fRawBufIndex, but the seconds check doesn't takes it into accout. ]
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@
// If there's a utf-8 BOM (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF), skip past it.
else {
- const char* asChars = (const char*)fRawByteBuf;
+ const char* asChars = (const char*)(fRawByteBuf + fRawBufIndex);
if ((fRawBytesAvail > XMLRecognizer::fgUTF8BOMLen )&&
(XMLString::compareNString( asChars
, XMLRecognizer::fgUTF8BOM
It's also possible that we should check if we detected an utf8 bom already as the following code would probably allow a double utf8 bom.