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  1. XalanJ2
  2. XALANJ-1411

Requst for more convenient classloading with Java 2



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.7.1
    • None
    • Xalan
    • Security Level: No security risk; visible to anyone (Ordinary problems in Xalan projects. Anybody can view the issue.)
    • None
    • Operating System: All
      Platform: All
    • 16675


      This is equivalent of a bug #16674 but for Xalan instead of Xerces.

      This is the original text for the bug:

      Currently in multi-classloader environment (like Eclipse plugins or
      web-applications) there is a need to use
      Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(cl); even in cases where this could
      be avoided. This happens only with Java 2 environment because in 1.1 JVMs you
      always try to load classes from Xalan ClassLoader first, but with Java 2
      context ClassLoader is consulted first (which is system ClassLoader by default,
      i.e ancestor of Xalan ClassLoader).

      My proposal is to do additional check as bellow:

      cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
      if (cl == ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()) {
      // SecuritySupport12 is from Xerces generalized ClassLoading
      cl = SecuritySupport12.class.getClassLoader();

      It should completely safe to do this since the only working case is when Xerces
      ClassLoader or it's descendant are used:
      1) if Xerces in system ClassLoader, then it is the same ClassLoader
      2) if Xerves in any custom ClassLoader then lookup in system ClassLoader will
      2.a) find nothing (and then fallback to Xerces ClassLoader)
      2.b) find wrong class and get ClassCastException later

      A bit more about [2.b]:
      Some JVM's soed include Xerces in distribution. There is a need for a program to
      use newer version of Xerces. Endorsed mechanizm is not always acceptable,
      especially if it is a requirement to work with unmodified JVMs...
      It isn't hard to hide sytem version of Xerces in own custom ClassLoader, but
      then you get this issue.

      PS. Since Xalan doesn't have generalized ClassLoading I am able to provide
      patches for this bug together with generalized ClassLoading as soon as bug issue
      become resolved in Xerces. Please tell your thouhts about it. I'm very
      interested in more convenient ClassLoading in Xerces and Xalan!


        1. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--classloading-patch.txt
          142 kB
          Igor Malinin
        2. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--patch.txt
          112 kB
          Igor Malinin
        3. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--xalan-classloading.patch
          205 kB
          Igor Malinin
        4. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--xalan-classloading.patch
          169 kB
          Igor Malinin



            ilene@ca.ibm.com Ilene Seelemann
            igor@widespace.ee Igor Malinin
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue

