Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Operating System: Other
Platform: Other
Sorry about the bad 'summary'. I'm not sure how to describe this one. I was
experimenting with Xalan-J a while back and noticed that output from the java
processor was serialized (no line feed characters) while the C++ processor was
not. It led me to the following response from the java team:
---- NOTE -----
the difference is significant when the document is used as an external general
parsed entity. If I refer to the transformed document using an entity
reference in the following document (apologies for bugs in syntax)
<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!ENTITY trans SYSTEM "transformed-output.xml">
then the resulting XML with an extra line-feed is equivalent to the following:
but without the line-feed, it's equivalent to this:
Emitting the extra line-feed could distort the meaning. It would be
permissible to emit the extra line-feed if either the doctype-system attribute
was specified on xsl:output or the standalone attribute was specified with the
value "yes", because in those cases, we must be producing a document entity.
---- END NOTE ----
In short, the no-line-feed output is for conformance reasons. The C++
processor should behave the same.