Status: Closed
Resolution: Not A Problem
Windows10 ,jdk1.7.80, struts2.5.10.1
Hi ,today i found my application can't upload file success,Could you help me check it?
I have do it follow the guide:
the error message as below :
Unexpected Exception caught setting 'upload' on 'class com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport: Error setting expression 'upload' with value ['org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.StrutsUploadedFile@22261709', ] ERROR ParametersInterceptor Developer Notification (set struts.devMode to false to disable this message): Unexpected Exception caught setting 'uploadContentType' on 'class com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport: Error setting expression 'uploadContentType' with value ['image/jpeg', ] ERROR ParametersInterceptor Developer Notification (set struts.devMode to false to disable this message): Unexpected Exception caught setting 'uploadFileName' on 'class com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport: Error setting expression 'uploadFileName' with value ['tabletennis_head.jpg', ]
<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <s:actionerror cssClass="alert alert-error" /> <s:fielderror cssClass="alert alert-error" /> <s:form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <s:file name="upload" label="File" /> <s:submit cssClass="btn btn-primary" /> </s:form> </div> </div>
Action file:
private File upload; private String uploadContentType; private String uploadFilename; public File getUpload() { return upload; } public void setUpload(File upload) { this.upload = upload; } public String getUploadContentType() { return uploadContentType; } public void setUploadContentType(String uploadContentType) { this.uploadContentType = uploadContentType; } public String getUploadFilename() { return uploadFilename; } public void setUploadFilename(String uploadFilename) { this.uploadFilename = uploadFilename; } public String execute() { System.out.println("--------haaaaaaaaaa-----start---------------"); System.out.println(upload); System.out.println(uploadContentType); System.out.println(uploadFilename); System.out.println("--------haaaaaaaaaa------end--------------"); return SUCCESS; }