Hi in one of our companies older projects I am trying to replace existing Struts 2.0.9 with Struts Project uses Maven 2 as build tool and embedded Jetty 6.1.22 through maven jetty plugin. The first problem I encountered is that s:a tags which have used to work normally with Struts 2.0.9 and were generating <a href='URL'>Some link text</a> as output are now generating just <a href='URL'> </a> without any link text. This applies both to Struts and Struts 2.1.8. I tried also servlet-api-2.4 and servlet-api-2.5 as runtime dependency for maven jetty plugin but <a href='URL'> </a> HTML tags were still being generated. However when i switched to Struts 2.1.6 <a href='URL'>Some link text</a> started appearing in generated HTML. Could someone pls. investigate is this a bug or intended behavior of Struts