Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
2.0.8, 2.0.9
MS Windows, IBM RAD 7 Test Environment, WAS 6.1, Java 5
The documentation for StreamResult at and the released code differ on how the name of the result stream is determined by the framework. The documentation says that this name is defined by he 'inputName' parameter, while the released code uses the 'value' tag of the result annotation.
In the following code, getXxx() is called to return the stream instead of getYyy() as the documentation would indicate.
@Result (name="success", type=StreamResult.class, value="xxx", params=
{"inputName", "yyy", "contentType", "application/x-download", "contentDisposition", "attachment; filename=test.txt"})
public class Download2Action extends ActionSupport
//param inputName says this should be called
public InputStream getYyy() throws Exception
// value tag actually determines that this is called instead
public InputStream getXxx() throws Exception
public String execute() throws Exception
{ return SUCCESS; }}