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  1. Wicket
  2. WICKET-6986

Printing of PDF's does not work in Firefox



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Not A Problem
    • 9.10.0
    • None
    • wicket-core
    • None
    • Windows 10/Alma Linux


      Since we are migrated from wicket 8.12.0 to wicket 9.9.0 we running into problems with printing PDF's in FireFox. We developed a small (PDFViewer) class above the WebMarkupContainer to view AND finaly print the PDF. Until wicket 8 this worked/works still fine in Firefox. However we now migrated to wicket 9.9.0 and viewing the PDF stil working in Firefox, but if you try to push the printing button within the default pdfviewer in Firefox nothing happend (except a (new) crash in the browser console). If you use the right mouse click menu and using "This Frame" -> "Print Frame" printing works fine.

      I added a quickstarter project with 1 extra class "PDFViewer", Test.pdf with only the word "Test" in it and a smal change in the  default HomePage.html markup voor de PDF viewer. With this simple project you can easaly reproduce this behaviour. So I wondering if 

      a) this is a bug sinds wicket 9 or

      b) the fault can be found in the PDFViewer class (also look at the override of the renderPage method - without this override we run into another strange crash). 

      With kind regards.


        1. myproject-1.zip
          54 kB
          Tilman Müller



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            tilmanmueller Tilman Müller
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