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  1. Wicket
  2. WICKET-6877

Removing component's MetaData during detach phase from within a Behavior causes issue



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 9.3.0, 8.12.0
    • 9.4.0, 8.13.0
    • None
    • None


      When removing a component's MetaData entry from within a Behavior's detach(Component component) method, Wicket can run into issues due to a loop index being out of sync with the array it is iterating over.

      The attached quickstart shows the problem in the log when the HomePage is opened.

      The included VisibilityBehavior class adds a MetaData entry to the component it is attached to. Upon detaching the Behavior this MetaData entry is set to null again. Setting a MetaData entry to null removes it from the component's data array, moving all elements following it further up in the array.

      State captured in org.apache.wicket.Behaviors.detach(Component):

      Right before detaching the Behavior:
      Loop index "i" = 2
      Content of the component's "data" array:

      • [0] the component's Model
      • [1] the MetaDataEntry belonging to the described Behavior
      • [2] the Behavior itself
      • [3] an AttributeModifier with a StringResourceModel

      Start of next iteration after the Behavior was detached
      Loop index "i" = 3
      Content of the component's "data" array:

      • [0] the component's Model
      • [1] the Behavior itself
      • [2] an AttributeModifier with a StringResourceModel

      The AttributeModifier is skipped and doesn't get detached, resulting in the NotDetachedModelChecker reporting a not detached model in the AttributeModifier, when the HomePage gets opened.

      This might be fixable with the suggested separation of Models, Behaviors and MetaData from WICKET-6774. Alternatively Wicket could maybe raise an exception or log a warning if the size of the data field changed during detaching.

      The problem was first discovered in 8.10.0 and reproduced with 9.3.0 in the quickstart.


        1. quickstart.zip
          26 kB
          Daniel Radünz



            mgrigorov Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov
            DRaduenz Daniel Radünz
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

