Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
As a result of these three commits:
Wicket now logs a stacktrace on error level if you add something to the AjaxRequestTarget that has been removed from the page. I don't think this is a good idea, because you're not always in control of what happens in an Ajax call. Imagine, for example, the following scenario:
public abstract class MyPanel extends Panel { public MyPanel(String id) { super(id); this.setOutputMarkupId(true); this.add(new AjaxLink("myLink") { public void onClick(final AjaxRequestTarget target) { this.executeImportantWork(target); //Display something nice on this Panel //... target.add(MyPanel.this); //In order to show the nice things } }); } protected abstract void executeImportantWork(AjaxRequestTarget target); }
Now, what if the user of MyPanel actually adds an instance of MyPanel to the Page and then, in executeImportantWork, removes it and replaces it with smth else? Then, you get an error in the log, everytime someone clicks myLink.
In this case, it could be fixed by adding MyPanel.this to the target before calling executeImportantWork, in which case you also get something in the log, but without stacktrace and on WARN level, namely this: "Component not rendered because it was already removed from page", but this is far less invasive than the scary stacktrace on ERROR level.
In other cases, however, it may be more difficult to fix, for example when you're not in control of the source code of MyPanel. Sure, one could argue that you shouldn't alter the page hierarchy in the executeImportantWork method, but usually, there's always a certain edge case where 99% of the times, no page hierarchy change occurs, but that 1% of the times, it is necessary.
Wicket is a component based framework, so it should be possible to specify components with abstract behaviour and not restrict the user of those components in what they can do in the implementation of that abstract behaviour, especially since, in this case, it does not lead to any actual problems and can safely be ignored with a warning.
I suggest changing the level of the message to WARN and removing the stacktrace.
Issue Links
- is caused by
WICKET-6140 Ajax should prevent updating components which are not on page
- Resolved