I use the functionnality of prependJavaScript to replace a composant with animation, but I have I a problem when I have two functions (on difference composants), one with normal syntax like this :
target.prependJavaScript("$('" + c.getMarkupId() + "').selectpicker('destroy')");
and I other one with special syntax for animation :
target.prependJavaScript(String.format("notify|var c=$('#%s.collapse');if(c.length){c.on('',function(){notify();});c.collapse('hide');}else{notify();}", c.getMarkupId()));
I get a error when wicket evaluate the javascript :
ERROR: Wicket.Ajax.Call.processEvaluation: Exception evaluating javascript: SyntaxError: expected expression, got keyword 'var', text: (function(){$('#var1').selectpicker('destroy');})();(function(){notify|var c=$('#var2.collapse');if(c.length){c.on('',function(){notify();});c.collapse('hide');}else{notify();}})();
The problem is that the regexp "scriptWithIdentifierR" tests that the javascript is in form of start with "identifier|code" or my javascript don't start with "identifier|code" because is :
(function(){$('#var1').selectpicker('destroy');})();(function(){notify|var c=$('#var2.collapse');if(c.length){c.on('',function(){notify();});c.collapse('hide');}else{notify();}})();
There is 2 functions : the first is a normal function but the second is "identifier|code" function.
If I change the var "scriptWithIdentifierR" ( to :
new RegExp("\\(function\\(\\)\\{([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)\\|((.|\\n)*)?\\}\\)\\(\\);$");
without the ^ of the first caractere that work nicely.