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supposedly a single closed textarea tag (<textarea.../>) is "illegal", and goes against the spec (igor)
tested on wicket 1.4.17/18. the markup validation does not detect an illegal use of textarea, and renders it with both opening and closing tags, but the closing tag at the end of the markup, with all the remaining html (after the textarea) escaped and included inside textarea contents.
tested on wicket 1.5.0. the markup validation does not detect an illegal use of textarea, and moreover it renders the textarea correctly, with its closing tag where corresponds, contrary to wicket 1.4.17/18 behavior.
so from the point of view of validation, if a single closed textarea tag is an "illegal" condition, then both wicket 1.4.17/18 and 1.5.0 fail. but in rendering, wicket 1.5.0 works fine.